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Name: poppy2006
[ Original Post ]
i am 15 and 4 months pregnant on thursday i havent decide what to do whether i am keeping it putting it up for adoption i would like to chat other teen mums who are going through this
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Name: Sarah M | Date: May 30th, 2006 8:01 PM
Im not a teen anymore but I was 17 when I had my daughter which she is now 2 and I am pregnant with my second baby. Im here if you would like to chat or you need any questions answered. I know it can be very hard but if your family is supportive of you and if you feel you can care for your baby how you would like to then I think keeping it would be a wonderful choice. I have messangers if youde rather chat there just let me know. 

Name: trina6913 | Date: Jun 1st, 2006 7:11 AM
have you decided what u r going to due? e-mail me [email protected] 

Name: chasityfleming | Date: Jun 2nd, 2006 12:39 AM
I would just like to say that I dont know you but I am SOOOO proud of you, you didnt mention abortion. Many people these days think that that is a solution but it isnt. I know that whether you keep it or give it up that you are thinking of your childs best interest :) 

Name: Rebecca | Date: Jun 27th, 2006 2:55 AM
Hey I understand becuase im 15 and also 4 months prago so if ya wanna chat add my yahoo its [email protected] 

Name: sandy | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 2:43 PM
if you decide for adoption, my husband and I can help you. e-mail [email protected] 

Name: krystinakoleen | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 6:47 PM
i'm 17 and 7 months pregnant...i was pregnant at 14 also, and i did alot of thinking between adoption and keeping my baby, but i didn't think i could stand knowing i had a baby out there some where and not know it, and have it not know me...i know adotion is the best option for some people, it just wasn't for me...later i found out i was having twins and i had to rethink it, because its alot different having two instead of one...but my thoughts were the same..i loved them to much to have to say goodbye...i ended up having to say goodbye anyways though...they died.. but i give people who put their children up for adoption props because like i said it can be whats best for the child, adn some one who is self less enough to know that and give their baby up to a better family deserves alot of respect in my book 

Name: BreCha | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 6:57 PM
I also want to say thank you for not mentioning abortion....i see now that this was posted back in May but if u happen to drop by let us know what u ended up doing.... 

Name: Ktx | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 7:41 PM
Abortion can be an option for some women. Just b/c you don't feel comfortable with it does not mean it's not the right option for others. I too am pregnant and was scared and confused. I always said that I would have an abortion but my fiancee and I decided that we could make this work, but that is our situation. I still would never judge a woman who decided to terminate her pregnancy. Not one of us on this planet has the right to judge a woman for her decision regarding her body. Point the finger and you have many more pointing back at you. 

Name: krystinakoleen | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 9:16 PM
in my opinion, once your pregnant its not just a womans body, its her childs also, and while i understand where people who get pregnant as a result of rape are coming from because they didn't ask for that. it wasn't their fault..anyone else who gets pregnant...too bad..i hate the idea of some one killing their child as a form of birh control...in this day and age unless you want to get pregnant there is no reason to end up that way..there are condoms and pills, and patches and all kinds of forms of birth control you can use, and while they aren't 100% effective, it isn't likely you will get pregnant if you take the proper precautions..so if some one is to get pregnant, and then get an abortion because they can't take care of their baby i think its murder and its not right...now i'm not one of those people that rants about it and does all these protestes and stuff..a friend of mine got an abortion, i've seen what it can do..and if you can't support a baby then put it up for adoption..there is no need to kill an innocent child because of your mistake (i'm not saying you specifically, just people in general) thats just my take on it though...i had my sons die in my arms, and after experiencing that i don't understand how anyone could willingly intentionally end their childs life...i just don't 

Name: spankyx0711 | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 7:37 AM
i'm 17 and pregnant, i'll be 18 when my baby's born. I haven't decided yet if i'm going to be giving my baby up or not. i'll probably end up deciding in the last trimester because i want to wait it out and see if i'll have the financial ability to raise the child. if not, i'll give my baby up to a family that can better take care of it. 

Name: mason0815 | Date: Jul 12th, 2006 4:02 PM
Hello everyone....I would like to say that if you consider giving your baby up for adoption, I am very interested, and would be glad to help you, and talk to you. Just email me [email protected] 

Name: libby | Date: Jul 12th, 2006 10:16 PM
hi, I am 17 and 4 months pregnant, i want to give my baby up for adoption. i don't know where to start. I was wondering if you have decided yet and how things are going? u can email me at [email protected] 

Name: cheyenne_terrine | Date: Jul 12th, 2006 11:31 PM
hi, i just turned 20 and i'm also 15 weeks pregnant, my name is cheyenne, if you want to chat or have any questions you can also add me to msn if you have it, i'm pretty knowledgable for my first pregnancy... [email protected] 

Name: mom1975 | Date: Jul 13th, 2006 4:11 AM
Hi, I am not a teen anymore either, but, I was 14 when I got pregnant and had my daughter when I was 15... I have had 4 children and they are all wonderful. I consider my daughter that I had when I was 15 my Angel Girl... I was hanging out with the wrong people and doing things that I should not have been doing. But, the moment that I found out that I was pregnant with her, my entire life changed...for the GOOD! Baby's are precious Gift's from God... Just remember you may be in a bad sitiuation being so young...but God can make all bad GOOD if you will let him. Now, I have to practice what I preach...I have taught my 15 yr old daughter everything about safe sex But, she is now pregnant herself...12 weeks. Dajui Vou... But, I truly believe that everything happens for a reason...I have been through it all and I wanted better for my daughter, however we have to except what comes our way and do the best we can... if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected] 

Name: Mom2B | Date: Jul 13th, 2006 12:49 PM
Responding to the abortion issue ~ It's a very touchy subject. No matter what, you have people who are completely against it regardless of the situation... you have people who don't agree but do not think differently of people who would have one... and you have people who see it as a "second chance". You can debate the issue all you want, but I have yet to see someone change someone else's mind.
*Personally*, I stand on the side that for ME, it would never be a decision I could make. When Adam and I found out I was pregnant we never even discussed "should we/shouldnt we have it". It was just understood. However, if I were raped I could not say that same because I have no clue what that is like to go through. Also, for someone who is young (speaking relatively of the 14-17 crowd), making that decision is probably not so easy. And although one person can make it work, not everyone can. For someone who comes from an unsupportive household, is not financially supported, may or may not have a boyfriend that will stick around, adoption may not fix the problem of the actual pregnancy. I don't know -- I've never had to go to high school 8 months pregnant and have people staring and judging. And that in itself can be too much for some people. So is it killing a child, or is it preventing a life? to some, yes. To others, it's something that will turn into a child one day, but at the time is simply an idea. (I am not putting my opinion on either one). My point ~ we will not change the minds of others on this issue. Each person needs to choose for themselves what is the correct decision, and as compassionate people, the rest of us must accept, deal, and not judge because of it. 

Name: youngmother911 | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 1:57 AM
yeah ur not alone im 15 and 7 months pregnant with a baby girl so i know what ur going through just let me know how ur doing and ill get back to u so good luck with the knew baby and if u think u cant handle being a mother thn send it up for adoption i mean i am tthinking about putting my baby out for adoption because i want to go to college so i wanted to let u know ur not alone bye bye may our babies be healthy 

Name: Laurar | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 2:38 AM
yup its atough one i have had two friends that went thru that a few years back, before i got married Donna my BFF gave her baby up for adoption it was the right thing to do at least for her she went to school and is really doing great but she did an open adoption whcih lets her know how her child is doing and stuff. Leslie kept her baby and it has been so hard she ok but sometimes She is so overwhelmed. So you have any support? parents friends? love to chat more [email protected] 

Name: kkarli | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 3:55 AM
hey im also 15 and im 7 months pregnant today(friday,12th) so i know prefectly what you're going through.. its such a tough desicion because you feel attached but on the other hand you think about the life you have to still live and the life of you're baby. I've decided to keep my baby after alot of contemplating it'll be hard and frustrating but its something i feel i should do, especially if i have a good environment and the right support. is anyone supporting you through this.. parents? babys father? 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 3:58 AM
for GOD SAKES !!!!!!!!!!!
ANOTHER OLD POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This woman has probably had her baby by now !!!
Use your fricken brains woman ! 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 4:16 AM

Name: marchmommy | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:29 PM
Hello im 14 years old and i am also 4 months pregnant i am due on march 18 i was scared at first im not even with the father he claims that i must have climed on top of myself and got pregnant but no matter what im still goin to keep it and love it no matter wat. At first i was going to give it up but i changed my mind about a month ago. Im keeping it! 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM
MAKE A NEW ONE.......... 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM
MAKE A NEW ONE............. 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:43 PM
MAKE A NEW ONE......................... 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Oct 13th, 2007 7:44 PM

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