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Name: jeffnjasharstad
[ Original Post ]
Well I am at work, feel like crap the past 4 days, am 36 weeks pregnant today, I feel like throwing up but I don't actually throw up, just the sick feeling. I'm not sure if it's her feet pushing/kicking my upper abdomen or what. I felt a bit light headed (not really light headed but I don't know how else to describe it) earlier. I just want to close my eyes and lay down. I had the last 3 days off and work today and tomorrow 7am to 3pm, i work at the front desk of a hotel, if I don't feel better I hope my manager will come in to cover, but I have called her & other co workers before when I felt like crap because of the pregnancy but they all come up with excuses. So I'm sure even if I did call I wouldn't be surprised if no one will come in, real nice when they know I NEVER call in sick & am 9 months pregnant. But anyways. I just need to babble a bit, I'm exhausted feeling (not sure from what), going to try to make it thru as much of this day at work as I can, only 6 hours left (ugh wish it was less than that) but it's money. Next week I will be 37 weeks, isn't that full term for the baby? So I am hoping she comes sometime soon after that, i don't know how many more days if this sick feeling & exhausted-ness (is that a word?) I can take....plus this is my 1st pregnancy and I shouldn't complain but it's hard not to, I loved the pregnancy up till about a month and a half ago and now it's just uncomfortable...how's everyone else feeling/doing? hope all is well in ya'lls pregnancy and hope you are not feeling very uncomfortable. Good luck with everything, Jasmin
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Name: kennethsmom | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 4:31 PM
I'm sorry you feel so bad. I felt like crap yesterday. I was nautious and eventually threw up but still felt ill. I had a horrible headache and felt like I had diarrhea. It was bad!
I ended up going to sleep early and took a tylenol. I feel much better this morning.
Maybe your body is trying to tell you to get more rest. you might need to eat something that will fill you up. Remember you are carrrying around extra weight and now your baby is probably positioned lower so your body is trying to adjust to the shifting of our inner parts.
If you have to call in and your stupid manager won't come in; oh well I guess they will jus have to be without a front desk worker.. you are pregnant and you actually could go into labor any moment. What would they do then? 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 5:13 PM
thanks for your comment. yeah if i go into labor and no one wants to cover, too bad im going to the hospital! yeah i did eat this morning but still felt sick, right now i dont feel AS bad, but still not great...yesterday i slept in till 10am, so i got plenty of rest but was still tired and sick feeling...maybe it's just the way the baby is position against my stomach and organs...i have a little headache off and on today, i should try taking a tylenol. can't wait for Laylah to be born. How far along are you pregnant? Where ya from? I live in Iowa and it's actually been nice the last 3-4 days but starting tomorrow it's suppose to rain and freeze then snow till Sunday. YUCK. well im going to eat some lunch...hope you are having a good day. 

Name: kennethsmom | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 5:17 PM
I'm 37 weeks preggers and in Missouri. We should be getting some freezing rain also. Wse were covered with snow last week, and now we will have lots of ice..yippee! 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 5:57 PM
oh sounds like your weather wont be much better than ours here....yuck. can't wait for spring! whens your due date? you are a week ahead of me...do you think you will last your 40 weeks? i dont think i will. is this y our first pregnancy? do you know if it's a girl/boy? sorry im asking so many questions, just curious :) 

Name: kennethsmom | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 6:09 PM
My due date is March 16.But as you know, those dates are really just estimations so who really knows when the baby will come. I would really like to last to 40 weeks maybe even 42 weeks ( only so that I can continue working as long as I can). On the other hand; my baby boy is getting pretty big. My last ultrasound was in late Janaury and he was already almost 6 pounds. They say that in the third trimester the babies gain a 1/2 pound each week and I can tell that this baby has gotten bigger because even my big maternity clothes have gotten too tight. I'm wearing my husband's clothes more often than my own.
My doctor said that if the baby gets over 9 pounds, we are going to think about inducing if we are close to the 40 week mark.
Yes this is my first baby and I'm excited to be having a boy! My husband has 2 girls from a previous relationship and he is excited to have a little boy. 

Name: jillw | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 6:12 PM
I feel you pain I will be 36 weeks tomorrow and I feel her all the time. I can't lean forward because her feet are in my ribs. I have decided to make a request to god that if women have to get big belly's during pregnancy then he could at least let our arms grow a little longer so that we can still shave and wipe our asses with out being a gymnest :) 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 7:25 PM
HAHAHA thanks Jill you made me crack up! made my day!!! this is true, i will send a request to God as well on that! Yeah I wanted her to wait till week 40 or up to 42 weeks too so I can work and make money as long as I can before she comes, but right now I am sooo uncomfortable that I wouldn't mind if she was born next week. I want her to stay as long as she needs to, not that I have a say, she'll come when SHE wants to LOL. Also very anxious to see her!! Yeah my maternity clothes are getting tighter and tighter. Before getting pregnant I was 120 lbs, now I am 165 1/2 lbs (lost 1 lb from last week to this week is what they told me at my weekly prenatal check up on Wed--is that okay?) I do NOT want to gain more because that means I gotta lose more LOL. Oh well as long as the baby is alright that is my main concern. Jill, You are just 1 day behind me, I turned 36 weeks pregnant TODAY and you will be tomorrow, so your due date is March 23rd? Hmm you better not have your baby before me haha just kidding. Wish you all the best and kennethsmom is ahead of us a week so I wish her the best too!!! It's nice to be able to chat with ya two knowing we are around the same weeks pregnant. Yeah I feel the rip pain too Jill when I lean forward or don't sit quite straight up. Makes me want to remove my ribs...eww...I told my fiance "the only ribs she will get after she is born are BBQ ribs once she is a few years old" lol...Wow Kennethsmom I hope you don't have a huge baby, my mom said I was 12 lbs when I was born, I'm praying my daughter will not be more than 8lbs at birth!!! OH boy....haha. What are you naming your boy? and Jill what are you naming your girl? 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 7:34 PM
hey i wanted to look at your 2's online journal, but how do i find it? I can't click on your name, and when i go to search for it under your name that shows on here it wont pop up.... 

Name: jillw | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 7:38 PM
Well I am having a girl. We are naming her Kendra Marie Walker. Mizzbrandis is close to us too just about a week or so farther, but she is having a scheduled c section so she already know when the baby will be here. Nicole and Connie used to be in the race too jsut being about a week and a half ahead, but they had their babies early so I was starting to think tha tI was the only one left. Its nice to know that there is someone else suffering along with me LOL My little girl is measuring pretty big so I am having an US next week to see if she is still big and if so we may induce early so that I don't ahve to push out a toddler. 

Name: jillw | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 7:39 PM
I don't have an online journal. 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 7:39 PM
okay....hmm...im sitting here and for the past few minutes my upper abdomen (right under the boobs where your belly is) starts tightening off and on and it's not PAINFUL but it's an uncomfortable feeling/pain that makes you want to take in a deep breath. it's not regular either, just does it once in a while...is that a contraction cuz i dont feel it anywhere but there...or is it the baby just stretching? 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 22nd, 2007 8:04 PM
LOL well if they are going early maybe our turns will come soon. I hope you dont have to push out a toddler either! Neither do I want to do that, I mean geez when my m om told me i was 12 lbs i was liek "thats two 6 lbs twins you could've had!" my goodness....yeah we get to suffer together still LOL. i try to write in my online journal about once a week...usually do it after i go to my prenatal check up, so for aw hile i did it every 2-4 weeks...because there isnt all too much to write like daily, so I thought weekly or bi-weekly should be fine :) oh man i cant wait to go home...1 hour left...last couple days i've been breaking out IT SUCKS, my skin was so nice and stuff for a few months there, and for goodness sakes i'm over 21 shouldn't the breaking out stop? lol 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 1:47 PM
okay im feeling real sick, off and on i feel like im really going to throw up (im at work) and as soon as i get up and go towards the bathroom i dont have to throw up! i am feeling that stage before actually getting light headed! i did eat about an hour ago, a couple slices of toast w/ jam. i felt like this yesterday but today it feels worse. im trying to stay at work as long as i can especially since i just got to work less than an hour ago...my manager is out of town and if i call anyone else they are either not going to pick up their phones this early in the morning when work calls, or they won't cover for whatever reason. wish they had more respect for pregnant women...everyone but 1 lady here is a mom, you'd think they'd understand. I am 36 wks pregnant and I wonder if this is just normal or if it's a sign of labor on it's way in the next few days/weeks? This is my first time being pregnant so this is all new to me...I usually work 4 days per week, I am down to 3 days this and next week, but it's like even though I work less hours it dont seem to help! But I want to be able to work as long as I can, my last day of work before maternity leave is March 12th, so I'd like to last till then unless the baby comes before then. Sorry I just needed to talk... 

Name: Coartney | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 1:56 PM
i concur on the wiping my ass, scott laughs at me b.c everytime i go potty even to pee im like I CANT REACH i have to twist and to do that i feel like im 12 yrs old again in gymnastics class lol my god. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 1:59 PM
jnj is it kind of like a weak feeling? i have this problem all day everyday. i thought it was my iron but it just started happening a week ago. out of nowhere after sleeping allll day i woke up and within an hour i ate and was passed back out and if i try to stay up like right i find myself in and out of the bathroom not so much dizzy but its like a weird headache. i dono how to explain it but i am miserable.. but thats not anything new haha 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Feb 23rd, 2007 5:19 PM
coartney yeah i feel like that too!!! i am feeling a bit better than this morning, but i just wanna sleep all day cuz i feel weak. 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Mar 3rd, 2007 6:48 PM
i am 37 weeks and 2 days today...i feel like the day is coming real soon...more braxton hicks contractions, i have a hard time walking she is so low sometimes it hurts if i dont waddle just right when i walk....geez...can't wait for her to be born!!! we had a huuuuge snow storm the last 2 days....im so ready to be done with this job...they expected me to work 12 hours or 16 hours then come back 8 hours later UMMMM NO! 9 months pregnant & it's busy as hell and i didnt get to sit down at all no thanks 

Name: toot_toot | Date: Mar 3rd, 2007 11:57 PM
thats messed up if they won't come in for you and make up excuses... before i quit working i would hate it when this one bitch would try to tell me what to do and make me drag this heavy mop bucket and i'd be like "uhh.. i'm pregnant" and i was like 25 wks pregnant.. not like 6 wks or anything. it made me so mad b/c she'd treat me like i was using my pregnancy as an excuse or something....
yeah 37 weeks is full term, but dont expect anything!! i felt a lot better in the begining too (I'm 37.4 wks now) i am just now starting to get the nausea and everything. 

Name: toot_toot | Date: Mar 4th, 2007 12:00 AM
btw, i think laylah is a pretty name. =) 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Mar 4th, 2007 6:02 PM
toot_toot: hey thanks for your reply. yeah now that I am pregnant and its OBVIOUS to the whole world I see how many people are disrespectful to pregnant women. this one lady gets her stomach stapeled like half a year ago and still everything is done for her (I work at a hotel at the front desk) and she does the overnights and even the mixing of the waffel mix is done for her, eggs are boiled and STYROFOAM cups and plates are put out for her so she doesnt have to do it, but then I have to do all that in teh mornings for her. it's like WHAT THE HELL are you all going to do for me? i still am expected to change out a 5 gallon thing of milk, NO THANKS! then when i dont find someone do it then they get mad....bastards! sorry im venting lol. thanks for listening :) anyways wow i am 37.3 today so you were 37.4 yesterday so you are 2 days ahead of me!! do you know waht you are having? any names picked out? i cant come up with a middle name!!! good luck with everything and is this your first? Thanks, yeah we thought Laylah sounds pretty & it means "dark beauty" and most likely we believe she will have dark hair and eyes since we both are brunettes and brown eyed...what's your name? and where you from? hope all goes well for ya! 

Name: roseywosey | Date: Mar 4th, 2007 10:45 PM
Wow.... i dont know why you didnt quit work a LONGGGGGGGGGG time ago.. im only 23 weeks pregnant and almost ready to tell work i quit =P 

Name: jeffnjasharstad | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 8:23 PM
ya i have today and the next 3 days off then i work friday and saturday then im done there.... 

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