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Name: breemichelle
[ Original Post ]
Well Aliyah had her 2 month check-up yesterday. She weighed 10 lbs 13.5 ounces, she's 22 1/2 inches long and I don't remember the size of her head but it was in the 50th percentile.
She screamed when she had her shots, but settled back down in about 5 minutes, and had about a 30-45 minute fussy time last night from it.

Everything was good, the only thing I have to worry about is she likes to have her head turned to the left all the time (when laying down or in her swing) and it's an actual condition with a big long fancy word that basically means she prefers one side to the other. So she's got a little bit of a flat spot on that side and her ear is just slightly more forward than the other, so he said to keep turning her head because in some cases it gets so bad that kids have to wear a helmet ALL THE TIME to correct it! Eeeek! No dorky helmets for my kid. But not to worry he said we're a long ways off from that happening but to have lots of tummy time.
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