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Name: Amanda182
[ Original Post ]
Last Friday my boyfriend and i were engaged in protected sexual intercourse. After we were done we checked like always and we had noticed that the entire top half of the condom was gone. We were very scared and went to our local planned parenthood and got a Plan B pill. I took it exactly three hours after the incident. The doctor we saw seemed very confident that it would work but we are still VERY nervous. We never found the top of the condom until the next morning when it came out my vagina while i was in the shower which also made me very paranoid. We are way too young to have a child and we are just freaking out. I was supposed to have my period at the end of that week but i have sense started birth control so i wont be expected to start for another three weeks which worries me because we wont have anyway of getting down to our local planned parenthood or anything during the summer if i am in fact pregnant because we wont have school so we cant exactly get down there. We are just really scared and nervous even though so many people have told us its going to be okay. We just really need some reassurance or something because the stress is really getting to us and we can’t concentrate on anything else at all. I have no idea if you can help me through this post but it would be great. What exactly are our options? What are the odds that i won’t be pregnant and that everything will be okay? We only have a few weeks until school is out. Please help us! We can’t take the stress and worry anymore, especially me.

Thank you, please get back to me as soon as possible.

I have also been pretty tired though lately and been having some slight headaches. I also thought that my nipples might have looked somewhat darker but it might just be all in my head since i am so paranoid and scared or maybe its just side effects of the birth control i was put on called Desogen ...
People keep telling me that its the stress making my mind see things and that my birth contrtol is also why i am having these effects.
What do you think?
I am so scared
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jun 1st, 2008 11:32 PM
Well since you have taken a plan b bill and you are now on birth control, it can alter your periods, so you will get your period towards the end of your pack of pills, Try not to worry so much, your not pregnant, and the chances of it are pretty slim. Its good to know that you guys are using protection and that you did go to the planned parent hood so fast. and now that you are on Birth control, i would still use condoms just in case, think of the birth control pills as a back up plan just incase a condom does break. Try not to freak out soo much you took the proper precautions.
Just a question, What type of condoms do you guys use? 

Name: Amanda182 | Date: Jun 2nd, 2008 12:01 AM
Thank you.
That is very reassuring.
Are you sure i am not pregnant though?
I am just so scared.
We use Trojans.
They have never broken before.
This is the first time it has ever happened.
I have heard from friends that beyond 7 and planned parenthood brands break very easily but we have always stuck to normal Trojans. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jun 2nd, 2008 2:44 AM
Ya i was wondering because i think the cheaper brands break alot, we also use Trojans and have only had one break in almost 3 years! After my husband and i had our son, we now use condoms every time and i use birth control, we want more children, just not yet, in a few more years.

ya im pretty sure your not pregnant, but if a month passes with out a period, then go get an EPT pregnancy test the Digital ones and take it, those are the most accurate ones.

I don't know how old you are but finding out your pregnant when you are young is one of the scariest things in the world, so many thought run through your head! But once your holding that baby, its the best feeling in the world!

but no need to worry, your day to have babies is when your ready, just make sure your careful! :) 

Name: Amanda182 | Date: Jun 2nd, 2008 3:01 AM
I am 22.
I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years now.
We have always only used Trojans, only once or twice did we use another brand such as durex.

I really hope i am not pregnant because we are not ready at all.
We want to wait until after college.

But thank you, i am hoping i am not pregnant.

I mean since we took the pill so soon we should be fine...
I hope. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jun 4th, 2008 3:17 PM
Good Luck! 

Name: pr3ttymami | Date: Jun 7th, 2008 9:33 PM
trojans break A LOT me and my boyfriend use them and fortunatley we can here when they break or he'll check on it to see if it broke but they r so weak. 

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