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Name: Lisa Brooks
[ Original Post ]
Today I learned why I haven't been able to feel my baby kick. I am now 24 weeks and 4 days, and last week was my first time feeling her kick. Well, today my doctor mentioned my placenta being in an anterior positon which means the placenta is in front of the baby instead of behind. My doctor is a very intelligent woman, however this bit of detail about the baby is something that she and all doctors need to remember to explain to us. It isn't really a big deal, but when you hear other pregnant mothers (as I have seen on this board) say they felt a kick at 12 weeks then it becomes a big deal. In my opinion, we all need to know this information, so I felt the need to share it with you.

Finally, the posterior placenta means the baby is in the front, and the placenta sits behind him/her. When I say front and back I am speaking of when we're standing upright.
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Name: Angela | Date: Dec 14th, 2005 9:29 PM

Name: carma | Date: Dec 14th, 2005 11:32 PM
thanks lisa 

Name: Bec | Date: Dec 15th, 2005 5:10 AM
Hi Lisa, my placenta is also anterior this time round (3rd pregnancy) and I can only feel slight kicks and hits..!! I am now 24 weeks and the movements are so light compared to when I was pregnant with my boys - but still, at least I can feel her every now and again! I heard that you can get increased back pain from having an anterior placenta?? Have you heard that? I hope not cause I already have back problems!! When are you due? Do you have any other children? 

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