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Name: la-fille-de-bebe
[ Original Post ]
I am 17 and scared out of my mind.Please, any info or tips or encouragement would help.
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Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 11:53 AM
Being pregnant for the first time can be scarey no matter what age you are. When I was pregnant with my son who is now 2 I was on the phone almost every day with my doctor's nurse.

Don't let people tell you that you've ruin your life by becoming pregnant at 17, it is what it is. The only person that you have to answer to is yourself. Whatever your goal are today keep them for tomorrow, they may change somewhat when the baby comes but don't give up. You can accomplish anything you what it all about how much time you are willing to give to that goal. Good luck.

If you have question this is a great place to be. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 3:14 PM
I was a teen mom 17yr old actually now my daughter is 2 yrs old and im 19 and pregnant with a lil boy and I couldnt be happier. Have you told your parents yet? I was scared even though I had already moved out with my bf a few months prior to finding out. I knew my mom wouldnt be mad cause she is very supportive but it was srill scary. When you say your pregnnat and 17 people sometimes look at you rude but all you do is blow them off because it has happened and its your body not theirs. If you need to talk I have all messangers. When you due? 

Name: la-fille-de-bebe | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 6:16 PM
Hey thanks, I think the beginningof April, I haven't been to the doctor yet, but I took a test. What is your aim? Mine is SATrumpore and my e-mail is [email protected] or yahoo.com 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 6:29 PM
I don't really have any experience on being the average pregnant teen or the struggles that go along with that, but I do know what Sarah is talking about when she says people gave her looks. I would say just remember that they don't know you. I am also 17 (about to turn 18) and have been married for 2 years. I'm in the process of buying a house, and have worked a full time 9-5 job as a paralegal for 3 years (I quit now that I'm having a baby). But when I go into a grocery store with my favorite shirt on (that says "I'm pregnant, what's you're excuse?") I get the same looks. I obviously can't go around and tell everyone that I'm more than likely as financially stable (or more so) than them, and explain the situation. I've even had people say "I'm sorry" when they found out I was pregnant!!!

Anyone who doesn't know you personally doesn't have any cause to judge you. For all they know you could be driving a Mercedes and own a 6 bedroom house. Don't let them make you feel bad. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 6:29 PM
When I was 17, I used to be one of those girls who looked down on other pg classmates. Now that I've grown up a little (I'm 22) I realize it could have happened to me or any of my friends. We were having sex then and not always using protection. You will be able to make it through this. Kepp your head up no matter what, and screw the people who say it's wrong. It's not like you chose this path, but it happened nonethelss, and it sounds like you're willing to live up to your responsibilities. Are you w/ the baby's father? There are so many resources out there now for girls your age. My mom got pg when she was 16, and had an abortion b/c there was no where she could turn. Don;t get me wrong that's still an option, but it seems like you want to keep it, and that's great. You'll have a beautiful child before you know it, and all this fear that you're feeling now will be a distant memory. It's all just a moment that will pass. Good luck!! 

Name: CoLau | Date: Jul 18th, 2006 9:03 PM
Well , I'm 18 so I can maybe relate to how you feel . I was very scared when I found out I was pregnant , mostly because I'm so young and didn't want to grow up yet. But , when that baby gets here - It will become your whole life .You'll love it . Give it time , It will sink in . Its hard at first but you & the baby will be very happy together! Keep us posted - Good Luck ! 

Name: la-fille-de-bebe | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 12:06 AM
I willl not be for long 

Name: la-fille-de-bebe | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 12:27 AM
He is suicidal and I don't want to raise a child around him. 

Name: Kristy84 | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 12:28 AM
what does "I will not be for long" mean? 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 2:10 AM
I think she's talking about not being with her boyfriend much longer. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 3:21 AM
Yes she is talking about her bf. And that is the best thing that you are looking out for your baby 

Name: amy | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 10:45 AM
hiya im amy i just gave birth to my daughter im 16 turning 17 i would have another baby but thing is you have to be in a rly strong relationship all i can say is dont let him walk all over you and dont worry about the birth i do it all again over and over it was soo easy i dont no what woman moan about! anything eles u need to no yeah just email me or add me to msn its [email protected] 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 2:13 PM
Yet again labor is not easy for everyone just cause you didnt have it as hard doesnt mean you need to be rude about women who do. Labor isnt pleasant or at least mine was not. I was in labor for 38hrs and had gull bladder attacks during it and that was so sucky. So keep in mind labor can be smooth or not just dont be rude when someone is "Moaning" about labor cause you dont know what they go through or how high their pain tollerance is 

Name: babey_g_311 | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 6:40 AM
I am 19 years old so I cant really say Im in the same boat as you....plus it was planned....but what I can tell you is that my husbands mom was about 17 when she had her first and she did a great job and everything turned out good.....so it does end up happy alot of the time.... 

Name: angela-wds | Date: Jul 20th, 2006 5:58 PM
I was very scared when I found out that I was pregnant when I was 18. I knew that I really wanted to keep the baby but not all of my family members were supportive. It was really hard cuz not only was I suffering from awful morning sickness but I was crying all day cuz of the pressure and stress. My bf was very supportive, though, and we got through it. I went to live with him and those were some of the happiest months of my life. I don't regret a thing. Now I'm still married to the father of my first kid, I'm 23 and 7 wks pregnant with number 2 and even though my family members aren't all supportive again, I feel thrilled. I know that what matters most is what you're ready to deal with inside. If you know that you can handle it well then that's the most important thing. I think it's fine to listen to advise from others, but don't ever let any negative comments get you down. One more thing is that is will probably be tough for the first year or 2, but your kid will grow up and you'll look back on it and think that you didn't even need to feel so scared. That's how it was for me anyway. I hope things work out well for you. 

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