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Name: christiansmommy
[ Original Post ]
HEY, me again. Does anyone have the peg perego carseat and/or stroller, pref. the pliko p3 one? I ask b/c i just bought the carseat in the rose color and i love it. but i haven't used it yet b/c chloe isn't here yet. i was just wondering what you thought about it. they are a little pricey so i just wanted to see if it was worth the $$. also, i want the pliko p3 peg perego stroller in rose color to match (haven't got that yet) and i really like the in-step in the back where your older kid stands on while you push the baby. i'm sure my son is too heavy now.

remember a long time ago before i was pregnant again, when i wanted that $800/900 bugaboo stroller? i must have been losing my mind! i mean the peg perego stroller is over $300, but is still alot cheaper than the bugaboo and from what i've heard is just as good. i'm glad i changed my mind b/c i'm sure chloe could use that money elsewhere.

So, what do you think? Anybody got any Peg perego stuff? what is the long-term quality of it? is it worth the money? etc. Thanks. :-)
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Name: automansgirl | Date: Sep 5th, 2007 7:21 PM
Don't have it, but I want it. We ended up picking something a little less expensive in hopes that family will buy it. If they don't and we get some money we may get the peg perego one. I've heard they are really good from a few people. 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Sep 6th, 2007 6:53 AM
Hey little mama!!! They are a great quality and the best part about them is they are a full size stroller that fold compact. I have found a few on ebay.

I'll just list the item numbers for you
Item number: 140153504637 This one is used, but only for a few months. But a huge savings and ends in just over a day.

Item number: 320154403490 This one is new and is $283 with shipping.

My mom will be visiting us this week!!!!!!! Sunday and I can't wait!! She is bringing us the huge ultimate family wagon by radio flyer and so I will be selling 2 of my strollers. I'm so bummed out but we stopped ttc back in Feb. Sucks becasue I bought that huge pram for Ethanael and then would use it again for new baby, even turns into a basinette and has a separate stand. But now with the wagon, I'll just take him to town in that and it will hold all our groceries or I'll just have them delivered. I can't tell you how much that pram has been used. We're 2 miles from town and I'd stack it and hang things, crazy but never let me down. But it is huge and so is the wagon so it will have to go. But not before my mom get to push him in it.

My goodness, where has time gone? I'm so happy that all my ladies were successful in getting pregnant again and are just about to pop, wow. Will keep checking in on you all. I'm not on much anymore. No time. But miss chatting with you all. 

Name: christiansmommy | Date: Sep 6th, 2007 5:39 PM
hey daisy! i am just now getting back on, so i'm sure those ads on ebay have expired, but i will still check. thanks for looking for me. christian also has a radio flyer wagon. it is the one with the open-up seats and seatbelts and God-its so heavy! i've been meaning to get the umbrella to go with it. i think i know which one you're talking about though. its like the biggest one, right? send me a link to it-i'm interested. christian is really excited b/c he said "now, chloe can sit in the other chair in my wagon". and it has the cupholders. very cool. i love radio flyer stuff. i remember when he was 2, i had found all this radio flyer clothes for him in Ross. i didn't even know they made clothes! you should sell your pram on ebay if its usable. thanks for responding.

auto-let me know which stroller you end up getting too! :-) 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Sep 7th, 2007 12:14 AM
This is the wagon http://www.radioflyer.com
They just don't sell wagons over here, don't get it because so many people walk here. I do plan on selling my strollers on ebay, hopefully I'll get a good amount. The Silver Cross is top of the line.

The top strollers over here at the moment are the Quinny Buzz, Bebecar Lola, and I really liked the Mutsy, but none of them were practicle for loading up with groceries.

The quality of Peg is great and are always popular. You do have the infinity over there which is very nice and looks like the boo for a lot less. There are some crazy prices on strollers and I wouldn't give the boo the time a day. Thinking of strollers, I still have a combi and an Aprica in the states. I think I'm an addict. 

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