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Name: amandadenise
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Ok this is a venting post!! ...LOL
I'm starting my 5th month of pregnancy and I visit my mom everyother weekend....my step father and her smoke a ton and I HATE it!! I was a smoker until I got pregnant and now I hate it and was able to quit as soon as I found out. Anyways they feel its not a big deal to smoke around me...and when I say smoke I mean they have one every half hour....both of them!!! It drives me crazy and they think I'm being stupid and have even on one occassion thought it was funny to blow smoke in my face!!! I have to go there this much because my son visits his father and we live 2 hours away so I just stay at my moms while he is with his dad for the weekend. I've tried complaining everytime they light one up, I've went outside, or upstairs and have even stayed at a hotel before to get away from it!! Have any of you had this problem....if so what did you do about it? Mostly I just made this post to get it out because it really ticks me off...LOL.
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Name: mommyagain | Date: Oct 25th, 2006 9:20 PM
Well it sounds like you have done everything I would suggest. It may be petty to them but it is hurting you so thye really should respect how you feel. Since it is their house can you go in another room or outside? I know that sucks but maybe then they will see they are missing time with you by not cutting back a bit. 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 25th, 2006 9:22 PM
I use to smoke along time ago, I find I am the worst non smoker now. Especailly when your pregnant your senses are even stronger- I can smell smoke a mile away.
My mom smokes but when I go over to her house she smokes outside, but she doesn't have to especialy since it is her house.
But I think she also can't handle me blowing the smoke away , or waving it away either( to much drama lol-it works though) 

Name: jillw | Date: Oct 25th, 2006 9:27 PM
Well my mom smokes too and since it is their house you can't tell them what to do. I hate when I leave there because my clothing stinks. I love my mom very much, and she is better now tha tI am pregnant and she knows that I won't let my son visit if she smokes in the house, but her and my aunt are living together right now and my aunt has no reapect at all because it is her house. I jsut have my mom come to my house where she has to go outside to smoke no questions ask. As for your situation that is harder because you are going there. 

Name: connie | Date: Oct 25th, 2006 9:31 PM
I have been trying to brib my mom to quit smoking -she wants to take care of my little one when I go back to work ,but I said she needs to quite smoking first. I know that's bad of me, but I am trying to find some way for her to quit.
What did the say when you complained? 

Name: amandadenise | Date: Oct 25th, 2006 9:40 PM
I hate the fact that they respect my grandparents enough to not smoke around them even when its there house that my grandparents are at but when it comes to there daughter being pregnant....they just brush it off!! I mean if they can respect them then when cant they with me while I have a developing baby in me!!
Connie I would want my mom to do the same if she was going to be caring for my baby because my sister is a smoker and her new baby got RSV and they said it was a mixture of her smoking while pregnant and still smoking with the smoke on her clothes while holding the baby. My DH smoke but outside and hes going to quit before the baby gets here so he isnt stinky...lol. Thank you all and it looks like I have to put up with it since its there house but its still a bunch of crap!!! LOL 

Name: daisyusa | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 12:27 AM
Why does't the father of your child pick him up? Then you won't have to stay there. Then when they are at your home, give them a firm no smoking rule. My husband smokes, but has respect for others and never smokes in the house. I admire you for quitting, I know it's not easy as my hubby struggles with quitting all the time.

Bottom line is, it's your health and your baby's. You have a choice, your baby doesn't and if they can't respect that and have a smoke outside or wait till you leave, then they will have to make a hard choice.

Wish you the best. God bless. 

Name: cath_edwards | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 3:50 PM
I know exactly how you feel. I don't smoke and there is no smoking aloud in our house. I have to put up with smoke in work though and it really ticks me off. I'm a carer and go into their home so I don't have the usual guidelines to back me up. I've tried all sorts of hints but being that they have learning disabilities it makes no difference. I can't do anything but I've had a moan so feel better now :) 

Name: amandadenise | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 1:37 AM
I would have him pick up our son but I'm so worried about him driving away with him and going 2 hours from me, when I take him it makes me feel better knowing that he gets there fine. I'm thinking maybe I should stay at another relatives house instead so that I dont have to be around it. I talked to my mom tonight and said for her to get rid of the cigs before I come tomorrow for the weekend and she just told me to shut up, but the good news is they wont be there that much this time. I just wish that others could be as caring about developing babies as we are!!! 

Name: daisyusa | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 2:44 AM
I can understand about you wanting to take your son. I would just stay somewhere else then, you have to take care of yourself and your baby.

I just don't understand why she can't just smoke outside for the short amount of time you are there. What about when her grandson visits, does she smoke in front of him.

Like I said before, adults have a choice, children live with our choices.

I hope all works out for you, God bless. 

Name: rachel23 | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 5:07 AM
i would print out a paper of all the effects smoking has on an unborn child and throw it right in there face. i quit smoking cold turkey as soon as i found out and everyone who smokes in my family has been very supportive about not smoking anywhere near me. that is complete disrespect to you and your baby and to do that to there own unborn grandbaby i say stand up for yourself or else stay away from them untill they start respecting you and understanding the damage they coud be causing 

Name: amandadenise | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 9:12 PM
I was complaining about it again to her today since I was sosed to go there this weekend and she said that as long as I dont smoke the baby will be fine and tried to explain to her that second hnd smoke is just as bad and she said....if that were true then we would all be walking around with problems!!! AHHHHH I wanted to scream....lol, I told her she might as well just blow smoke in the new babies face when its here!!! She doesnt smoke to much when my sons around because he has asthma and he even had some dental surgery on Monday and after he was done and we were on our way home she lit up a smoke and I went balistic on her because he had just gotten out of anastiesia!!! (however its spelled)....she put it out right away because I threw a fit. They both just say that I shouldnt come into there house and try to make rules because its more disrespectful than them smoking around me while pregnant!! WTF! 

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