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Name: mommyx2
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I am thinking about purchasing a child harness for my 16 month old little boy. It is just getting so hard to carry him with my growing belly! It kills my back!! Does anyone own one? Will it make me look cruel if my son is on one?!! Please help!! Thanks!
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Name: nicole jones | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 4:46 AM
I know the premise is a good one, and there is nothing really cruel about them at all... but I have to be honest every time I see one I cringe a little. It just looks so horrible. If you absolutly have to then you have to though. Maybe you could try a small umbrella stroller instead? 

Name: Danielle | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 5:09 AM
I won one.I have one for my 3 year old.Its better then having them run into the middle of the street.And yeah I get looks but oh well. 

Name: tammie | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 12:56 PM
they work wonders.........i know how they look but honestly......my oldest who is now 8 use to hate for me to carry him so i bought one of thoes and everywhere we went i put it on him......grocery store....mall.....or just for a walk.......he liked the freedom and i liked having control so i say go for it!!! 

Name: Petrona | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 1:03 PM
Well, to each their own, but I'm one of those mothers who cringes when I see them on children. I don't care how much "control" it gives, it makes me think of walking a dog. I'd rather use the umbrella stroller. One, I move faster and two, I control where it goes as opposed to pulling on a leash to control my child. But ultimately, it's what you feel most comfortable with. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 2:04 PM
I hate them but if you feel you really need one then its your choice. If you get one get the one that goes around his wrist not his back like a dog they just seem not "as" wrong. Everyone is different I just hold my daughters hand or have her in the lil umbrella stroller since its light if i need to carry it. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 2:26 PM
I have only used one once but I tell you what, it was better than losing my sisters kids at Brookfield Zoo!! They do look awful but look at the alternative. my sisters kids were to big for a stroller at the time and they were "ok" about staying with me and my (ex)husband but I just knew all it took was a split seconf of looking away for someone to snatch them right up. 

Name: EthansMom0213 | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 2:57 PM
I actually own one. From people think that there cruel and that tney look horrible but sometime you just have to do what you have to do. I only used it when we were in larger crowd because my son had a tendency to take off running which freaked me out. He's now two and I don't have to use anything. If he wonders off to far I just tell him, "To Far" and he backs up, but most of the time he stays where he can see me. 

Name: Angela1 | Date: Jul 19th, 2006 3:26 PM
I also own one! It really works for me because I have a 2 1/2 yr old daughter and a 4month baby boy. So when we go out I have a car seat in one hand diaper bag in the other and my daughters hand. She would get away from me and think it was funny to run away. So I got a child leash and it helps out so much. I really dont care what people think it was either that or let my child get hit by a car. Has any one tried running after a two year old with their chuncky four month old baby in one hand in the car seat and a diaper bag. Yea almost impossible!! hehe 

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