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Name: nicole miller
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Most of you know... I got a GED and got married very very young. I would have only been a sophmore in high school. My class hasn't even graduated yet. I did apply to college at 16 - and scored very high on my entrance exams, at least college level in everything area - and higher in some. I actually tested out of some of the courses. But then my first husband refused to pay for college, and said it wasn't necessary because I already had a job as a paralegal and made "enough money". I was okay with that at the time because I really wanted to just be a mom and have a family.

I guess what I'm getting at is that last night Paul told me he wants me to go to college. He said I could take out a loan or whatever I need to do... but he wants me to go to REAL college (i.e. law school). The first attorney I worked for loved my work so much he promised that if I paid for the first 4 years of college he'd pay for law school as a gift - and the offer still stands. The same attorney is constantly asking if I'd like to come back and work for him again, and he'd make me the head paralegal or office manager... whatever I wanted. If I am going to go back to work though it would have to be better than that - to be worth not being home with my kids, that is. I'm not going to even have them in daycare for a few hours if it's just to go and work as a paralegal again. But is it even realistic to go to college with a husband and children? If I thought that it was a real option I'd probably start courses this fall - but it seems like it would just be a waste if I wouldn't ever finish. Did any of you go back to actual university after having children... or is community college just about the be all and end all for moms? I'm planning to have more children... 2 more... but I'll still only be 22-23 by the time I'm done having babies (that will put us at FIVE children, by the way). Is it rediculous to even think about with a family that size? Paul says it's not because I'll still be so young, and I'll have time to finish school at my own pace... but I'm not so sure.

I'd really like to hear from other women who've maybe tried it - and especially if there is anyone who's done it.
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Name: Kristy84 | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 8:14 PM
I went to college full-time up until 2 days before I delivered, and now I'm taking 3 classes. I know Karen is also in school this semester...I'm a junior majoring in Accounting w/ a 4.0 GPA, but I think I'll be getting my first B this semester, but it's in ALgebra so it's ok...it's totally doeable and totally worth it, especially if Paul is supporting you...for one thing it sets a great example for the kids, also who can't use the extra money? Retirement will come eariler, and all of the financial issues won't fall on Paul's shoulders...college is very expensive and when your little ones are ready to go, you'll be able to help out..you're a really smart girl and I'm sure you'd be a wonderful attorney 

Name: jillw | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 8:15 PM
well hun I can tell you that it is not easy. I have been an eternal student since high school. I was a single mom for some time and still went to school. I am finishing my BSN in nursing also right now and I am married as you know. Honestly I sometimes feel stretched way too thin and I feel like I am missing out on some stuff. I do think that it is easire now that I am married though, becuase I try to sch my classes for when gary will be home so that I don't ahve to worry about a sitter and then I don't feel as bad about leaving the kids. I would say if you have the option of jsut going to school and not working at the same time that ne I would do that. I work full time and have full time credit hrs and it takes its toll fast. I am going to cut down to part time at work after the baby comes, but I am still going to keep going to classes full time. I only have 8 classes left YEAH....then I am sure that I will want to go back for my masters or something LOL Like I said I am an eternal student LOL 

Name: melmoney | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 8:27 PM
One of my good friends, is married, has a baby, works full time at an engineering firm and goes to law school!!! It can be done. Lots of law school programs offer nigth classes because many of their students already work at firms or have internships that they work at during the day. If you can find a night program, you can normally set your own pace too. You can only take the number of classes that you can handle at the time. It might take you a little extra time, but it won't get too overwhelming so there is less chance of giving up. You can stay home during the day and go to school at night. The most important thing is that you have a supportive husband. He'll be there to help and be understanding on those late nights of studying or writing papers. It's something that I think you both need to work out together because his childcare responsibilities will definitely increase, but I'm sure you can do it. Good luck! 

Name: tubbybubble | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 8:35 PM
it takes so much patience and determation (sp)...i started back to school when my son was 5 months old and contuined until he was 2....i'm taking a break right now b/c i want to stay home with him and the other baby. i was in respiratory therapy...and i thought i was going to die...i went to school during the week, worked on the weekends...but it was too much for me. people do it all the time, but i wasn't one of them, my nerves got the best of me...just don't get strung out on the simple stuff like i did...but if you have the will power you can do anything you put your mind to...good luck in your decision!!! 

Name: Nicola | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 9:22 PM
im going to do it. my daughters are 18 months old at the moment and I am going to go to university in september next year. Im planning on havnig another baby this year aswell So we're going to be qute a clan when i move to my uni! 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 9:57 PM
Thank you girls for giving me some hope that it's possible... I just keep having this image of all the "just graduated" kids asking me where I went to high school... and me having to say "umm.. actually I'm married with 5 kids... no high school." lol. If that makes any sense. I know I'd be a little bit out of place. I guess there is nothing lost in giving it a shot though. If I take a course and it turns out to be too hard to manage my family and school then I'll just quit. I suppose taking a few courses is better than none at all.

Thank you again for sharing with me. 

Name: jillw | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 10:04 PM
just start small you can always add on. take one or two classes at a time and the good thing is that almost all schools now offer online classes and you can take most of your pre reques. online and not even have to go to class. 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 10:08 PM
Does anyone know if I was accepted and did all my testing before is it still good? Or will I have to re-apply? I believe it was September of 2005 that I completed all of that and got my placement scores. (That is for a community college). 

Name: jillw | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 10:11 PM
they will prob have you retest to see whet classes you will need to take, but most community colleges are open enrollment. That is a great way to get all of the basic classes out of the way for cheap. Most people can take about 2+ years of classes and never have to step foot on campus. I even took a chemistry lecture and lab online once it was a vertual lab. 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 10:20 PM
Damn. lol... I was hoping I could just keep the scores I got before. It's been a couple years since, and I think pregnancy and mommy-hood may have dropped my IQ a few points. hehe. 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 10:46 PM
Nicole- Like Kristy said I am in college right now with my 2 kids (1 being born during this semester) All your success depends on is how driven you are. It is not easy by any means BUT the good news for you is being you will just be starting college, you can take most of your classes online, I know my school offers English, Speech, Math, Computer and even Biology online (just to name a few), so with that you could stay home with the babies and take classes and also that way you can get a feel of if that is something you want to do! I am sooo pro-education I think it is wonderful and like someone said sets a wonderful example, this will be my 2nd time graduating college and hopefully my last unless I go back for my masters. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 4:32 AM
nicole did you happen to take your SATs? those tend to help. 

Name: nicole miller | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 4:46 AM
Nope, no SATs... didn't get that far because I was planning on doing all of my first two years at community. Since I didn't finish high school I wasn't given all the test information like everyone else - I'll have to go and find out where I even take them at. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 4:51 AM
well i got my diploma at 16 but i took my SATs and CPTs and Asvab but they make you retest after two year, with the cpts (college placement) 

Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 6:06 AM
I got into college this time based on my ACT scores... but I guess things vary from state to state and each University. 

Name: automansgirl | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 7:40 AM
If you know where you want to go with your life, (reguardless of children) I say do college. I'm 24 years old, studied to be a massage therapist. did that for two and a half years and now I'm clueless. If you know that it will make a difference and that it will make you happy, then do it. If working as a paralegal secretary, an attorney, or whatever you will do when you finish school is what you want to do for most of the rest of your life, then go back to college. I, personally, have no idea what I want to do. I thought I had it all figured out, knew what I was going to do/be for the rest of my life, and five years later I'm sitting at home wondering where I should be right now (career wise). Now all I can think of is being a mother and wife. Just think about what it is that you want to make of your life, where you see yourself five years down the road and you might have your answer. If it isn't the same as your husband, just fill him in on everything that brought you to that decision. Hopefully you both can meet in the middle. Just always remember what makes you happy. 

Name: automansgirl | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 7:52 AM
If it helps, my sister-in-law just started back to school as a 32 year old freshman to get her bachelor's in teaching. So far she is doing escellent! She has a ten year old son and is ttc, has fertility problems, and is acing her classes. If this is what you want to do, nothing can hold you back! 

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