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Name: InfamousMommie
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Anyone who's already been through it can you please describe what the "real" contractions feel like??? Im almost 38 weeks and Ive never had braxton hicks contractions and I want to know so Im ready for it. Any advice from someone who knows what there talking about would be great!!
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Name: Brit | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 7:10 PM
Well I'm not there yet...but my mom says that when you start to feel "real" contractions, you will practically be bending over screaming.... :^( she has had 4 kids...so i think she probably knows what shes talking about! Take care! 

Name: sonia | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 7:30 PM
for me they were like the worst menstral cramps you can imagine and this was early labor after this I can't describe it . Don't get pain meds though you will be increasing your chance of a c-section and I can tell you this hurts worse than any labor pain or contraction because it hurts physically and emotionally too. A water bath was the best pain management for me. wish they would have let me stay in I probably would have delivered in there. You might want to consider a home birth. I think there is less pain in this place because it is familar. People forget the emotional impact on the labor and birth process. It is never too late to change your mind about where you let your baby be born. Birth is not a medical emergency it is Gods perfect design. peace 

Name: Heather | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 8:08 PM
YOu know when your tummy gets all hard for a few min and then goes back to normal?? those are braxton hicks contractions. Also I had braxton hicks contractions 3 times before my son was born and it was about this time that you are pregnant. It hurts really bad in your stomach and your back but they are not every 5 min like real contractions. They come ever 10 to 15 min. 

Name: Amy | Date: Feb 28th, 2006 9:23 PM
In my eperience the real contractions felt nothing like braxton hicks. they started out like slight period cramps and just kept getting stonger. Another indication may be pain in your back area along with the contractions or even pain in your thigh area. It was hard for me to tell when I was in real labor. You dont really start off by bending over and screaming, not in the early phases, but in the later phases without any pain relieve, you more than likely will be. So, more or less they are period cramps, that just keep intensifying. good luck to you. 

Name: Sarah | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 4:28 AM
I never had braxton hicks contrations either but you well know when you have them at first they are not to bad but then they get to be more tense and more painfull and sometimes it feels like you cant breath. You feel like you tummy is so tight it cant get any tighter and it hurts on your lower tummy and can constrict your breathing thats why its good to learn how to breath from someone who has done it before or else you will feel like your being sufficated lol. Any other questions just ask 

Name: Chris | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 6:02 AM
When I was in real labor, the contractions started just like everyone else's, they felt like menstrual cramps and they got stronger. I had back labor though, so the pain went through my back too and I had sharp pains in my belly as it progressed. When it's time, you'll know. 

Name: Fiona | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 12:25 PM
Have an epidural. 

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