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Name: Spanky
[ Original Post ]
Hi I'm 18 and wont turn 19 until May. And I dont really know what i want which in essence means I should leave babies alone until I know for sure I want one. On the other hand my boyfriend wants one a lotttttt more than I do. Okay so my last period was August 21, my boyfriend and I had sex frequently every weekend this month and twice the condom broke and once we just didnt use one. I got a light period on the 21st of this month (I dont usually have a normal period) and on the 23rd and it went off. It began as very light bleeding and then became heavy and just all of a sudden went off. I took a test the other day and it was negative. I took one just a minute ago (even though its not morning I was anxious) and there was a faint line. I'm going to take another test but...I dunno how likely it is that I could pregnant when I didnt even miss my period. I didnt think it was likely at all until I began talking to older friends and one who is a few years younger than me that have children and one friend told me not to be so at ease just because I got my first period, saying she had 3 periods that were regular before she found out she was pregnant with her first son. One other friend got a short first period and another said dont worry about it if I got a period, even if its short. THEN I began reading stories online of people who had regular (not implantation bleeding) periods. I dont know what to think now and even after I got the negative pregnancy test a few days ago I never stopped feeling strange. Still Moody, cramping (could be from my period but I dont usually get cramps), back aches, increased body temperatures, decreased appetite and tender breasts, and nausea every now and then.
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Name: jamcarant | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 3:22 AM
I had my period with all 3 of my last preganncies, and they were almost like regular ones. So I would wait for a couple weeks to a month and try again. 

Name: rachel23 | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 5:05 AM
the line on my test was so faint and thin i thought it meant i wasn't pregnant but here i am 39 weeks and ready to go. All i can say is becoming pregnant was a shock to me i am 23 but i was so unsure but i don;t believe in abortions and i can honestly say i am so happy now i cant wait to have my son having him kick you is unreal. i mean you might not be pregnant but if you are give it some time because i didn;t think i ever wanted kids and now i am ready to raise this baby the right way and feel so lucky to be able to have him. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 5:09 AM
I also had very faint lines and now im 16 weeks and im 20 yrs old. just wait to take another test or just get a blood test done if you can. 

Name: sally24 | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 2:14 PM
I tested two days before my missed period in the evening and i got a faint line so faint I couldn't believe it , but the doctor confirmed it with a blood test the next day i was 4 1/2 weeks pregnant I am know 22 and expect a baby sometime at th end of Febuary. 

Name: emilymccoy | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 4:16 PM
I had been trying to conceive and tested a couple of days before my period was due. There was a faint, faint line... I freaked out and was like "WTF does that mean?!" screaming at my husband. I no longer had the box since I had been testing myself for a couple of years and felt no need to have the directions LOL.... Anywho, I went to the website to check the directions and it stated very clearly (and made me feel a little stupid) "A LINE IS A LINE, NO MATTER HOW FAINT." LOL I was like 'yea, that DOES make sense!' but of course I hadn't thought rationally about it up until then...

Anywho, I'd just take it easy for a few more days and re-test. If you get another negative or positive, I would just go with it, and if it's positive, get into the doctor to get the for sure answer. 

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