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Name: Tan
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Do those Kegal execises really help, what if you get an epedural? Our is it more for afterwards? Should I be doing theses?
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Name: sonia | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 5:08 PM
Kegals are great for more than just keeping from peeing your pants. work up to about 1000 a day and see if you partner notices while have sex . he will love it. Don't get an epidural your risk of c-section increases. yes do them all your life. 

Name: jenny | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 5:23 PM
Yes it does help a lot for sex. I've been doing it for two months and my husband has definetly enjoyed sex better. 

Name: Tan | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 6:22 PM
so it makes you tighter? 

Name: jenny | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 6:23 PM
Yeah it does 

Name: Tan | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 8:19 PM
What benefits does it have for childbirth? 

Name: sonia | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 9:27 PM
I will help you push out your baby. It will help so you don't tear. Most importantly some women will have a hard time holding their urine after birth kegals prevent this from happening. How far along are you? If this is your first pregnacy you'll probably be okay without them. I still recomend them before and after birth 

Name: Chris | Date: Mar 1st, 2006 10:55 PM
Yes, do your kegels! My Dr. sent me to a physical therapist about a year and a half after my son was born because of problems. My cervix prolapsed at his birth (came out with the baby). It has really helped to tighten everything up and has pulled things back to where they need to be. Plus it does improve sex and stops you from peeing your pants when you sneeze! I didn't do them before my first, and I pushed him out just fine, and with an epidural in under an hour, so that doesn't matter. I would do them now so it reduces your need for an episiotomy and then keep them up after baby. I was instructed to do at least 4 sets of 10 daily. My PT has me do 10 really long ones, hold for a count of 10 for each, then she has me do 10 really qucik ones since there are different muscles that you need to exercise. I had no feeling at first and had no idea if I was doing them right, then I began to feel them more in my butt, but now I can tell, so don;t get frustrated afgter your baby if it takes awhile. 

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