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Name: Marti
[ Original Post ]
So we decided not to find out the baby's gender. We've taken a bunch of grief from family and friends over the last months but yesterday was my big friends/family shower and that's all I heard about was how they alllll hate buying yellow and green and that's so boring and why don't I just go in and find out already. IIt'd be one thing if it were like a few people but seriously it was like most of the 30 people there giving me crap. Uh helloooooo people! It's OUR decision. We'll all know in 6 weeks give or take. Get over it. I realize people are excited and want to know but is getting mad at the pregnant girl really the thing to do? I was so annoyed. Sorry. Had to vent! I realize most people find out anymore but we just don't care. We're having a BABY! Boy or girl - we will love them andwe just consider it an extra surprise on the big day. Ugh. People. Shut up already!
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Name: tylersmom06 | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 1:05 AM
Awww I hate that! It is your decison and no one should give you grief about it! I would love to have waited and have a surprise that would be awesome BUT I am soo too impatient! hehe!

I really hope you let them know how they made you feel! 

Name: Mom2Be2007 | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 1:44 AM
I agree it is your decision. I decided to find out only because I was told when I was pregnant with my son that it would be in my file. And I was like, "Oh hell no, if everyone else is going to know I am going to know as well. Plus I just hate surprises." I went with a nutrual color anyways for the nursery because the bedding I had was on clearance. With my daughter I decided to go ahead and find out because if I didn't have any girl stuff. I had tons of boy stuff but no girl stuff. Tell them to go out and buy white or cream if they don't want to buy yellow of green...LOL 

Name: roseywosey | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 1:49 AM
stick up a notice on your forehead saying ' WE WANT A SUPRISE, AND WE DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT IT' then perhaps.. people will be too scared to bring it up :) 

Name: Marti | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 4:02 PM
Well I did tell them to back off but I think they just think it's funny to give me a hard time. Whatever. It's annoying. And let's not piss of the preggers girl, am I right??? Thanks you guys for the support. 

Name: melmoney | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 4:44 PM
Since when is buying yellow and green boring?!? Some of the cutest outfits were have are neutral colors. If you found out what it was then they all would have been buying either pink or blue. How is that more exciting? Either way you end up stuck with just a couple colors to choose from. 

Name: toot_toot | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 4:52 PM
i like buying yellow and green better than blue stuff (i'm having a boy!) 

Name: Coartney | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 4:54 PM
i honestly hate the color yellow but i got tons of green even the bedding before knowing the sex. people are assholes and always will be, but if it were them in your shoes feeling the same way god knows they would be griping and hating the fact that people are being assholes. its all a nice catch 22. just think we're almost there marti!! 

Name: devsmom | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 4:55 PM
what about having the shower after the baby, thats what we did, are doing again....nevermind, it was YOUR shower, not your friends......huh. yeah, people suck. if it was really that bad thay could have bought yopu something OTHER than clothing....! 

Name: devsmom | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 4:57 PM
has anyone herd of a diaper party?
i guess everyone brings diapers of a different size....it's good if the baby is not allergic to certain brands! 

Name: Coartney | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 5:00 PM
hell i wish i could have any kind of diaper party or baby shower, but i got nothing. we'v ebasically bought everything on our own. i guess the bitching is worth it. 

Name: Marti | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 5:02 PM
I told them all the registry was FULL of non gender specific items from diapers to diaper genie to health crap etc. It's not necessary to buy clothes. I'd actually prefer a ton of the practical crap since it can get so spendy. And onesies. Please - you can get them in every color other than pink or blue. Oh well. People are just nosy and annoying I've decided. I have a work shower this week and if I get any grief, they'll also hear about it. Grrr. 

Name: Coartney | Date: Mar 5th, 2007 5:04 PM
haha good for you darlin lol 

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