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Name: Logan
[ Original Post ]
Girls for those of you with gestational diabetes,
what do you girls eat in order to keep it in balance?

I am preparing myself, in case I do get it, I just would like to know what to eat. I hear so many horror stories on having an appetite from hell while preggers.
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Name: moshecathy | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 4:14 AM
the thing that helps me with my appetite is protein. ive had gd with all my 3 pregnancies but this one (i am 33 weeks tom) has been the toughest. i started insulin at 10 weeks and have had very limited carbs and sugar intake. i eat a lot of those atkins protein bar, more chicken or fish when i'm still hungry, and because of the fact that im still a pregnant woman who is hungry, i do let my self go every now and then and eat as much carbs as i want. a big bowl of pasta or rice, or as much pizza or bread as i can handle. usually though its just 4 servings or around 60 grams of carbs a day. i actually think that when i eat more protein, my sugar doesnt go as high and i feel better. good luck to yu. 

Name: Logan | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 2:59 PM
Gosh insulin. That is what I am afraid of, I just dont want to end up with daibetes after giving birth, specially running in the family. 

Name: bmes | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 4:06 PM
Basically stay away from any white flour....pasta, bread...and don't drink too much juice. and eat lots of protein. Basically if you follow that atkins thing you'll do ok!! I watched a show and they were trying to figure out WHY the atkins diet work for so many people and why isn't it dangerous to do. Well basically after test after test and many research studies, it came down to one thing only. Protein suppresses your appetite so you feel fuller longer and you don't eat as much food, SO all it really is is calorie counting. I know you're not supposed to diet during pregnancy, but atkins is perfect for diabetes, cause it's low carb/high protein. And there's tons of things you can eat. Ceasar Salad...basically any salads if the dressing doesn't have too much sugar in it. you can eat all the meat you want....if you don't eat meat, then tofu or whatever. My grandma has diabetes and she follows the atkins thing as NOT a diet but just a way of living!! :-) hope this helps!! 

Name: NoahsMama06 | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 4:12 PM
I had GD with Noah . I had to test my sugars 6 times a day and the doctor wanted my levels below 100 or 105 tops. I only drank water, stayed away from the sweets, didn't eat much pasta or bread, ate a lot of protein, ate fruit either fresh or canned in it's natural juice. The real key was moderation. I was so worried about having a large baby or the baby having problems with his sugar when he was born, but Noah was fine and only weighed 6 lbs 13 oz. 

Name: Logan | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 7:06 PM
Thanks for the imput girls, I DO LOVE MEAT, specially chicken so I should be set then. 

Name: sterlids | Date: Jan 4th, 2007 7:16 PM
logan its not that hard to do the diet. i have had it since 12 weeks. you can have pretty much all the things you had pre-pregnancy but in moderation and make sure you balance your meals. here i am at 34 weeks tomorrow and not on meds and controlling my sugars just fine and lucian is 4.5lbs. you can have sweets and carbs just watch how much and balance it out with meat and veggies. the only thing i really don't eat that i used to are pop tarts and i am taking a box with me to the hospital when he is born coz i miss them so much. oh and i get the no sugar added things, like ice cream and stuff like that. and they have sprite zero or you can have fesca there are no carbs or sugar in those. 

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