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Name: lesliemarie80
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Hi everyone! I'm new to the board. My husband and I just found out two days ago that I am pregnant. We are really happy and have already gone out and bought a few books to read so that we can prepare for the upcoming months. However, in my opinion, there is no better source for information than a woman that has gone through pregnancy or is currently going through pregnancy!

My first doctor's apointment in July 23rd. I am already on prenatal vitamins and have been for a few months. However over the last few days I have been waking up feeling so nauseated, weak, and dizzy! In "What to Expect When You're Expecting" it said to have snacks by your bed. So far the only thing I can even think about eating without getting sick are woven wheat crackers. It also recommended vitamin B6 and antihistamines and a site online said to try Emetrol. My husband looked up Emetrol online from work just now and asked me if I wanted the cherry or original "lemon mint" flavor. The idea of either makes my stomach turn.

Has anyone here tried Emetrol? Did it work for you? Any other suggestions or advice? He is also picking up some ginger ale and ginger snap cookies as that always has helped int he past when I had an upset stomach for other reasons. However, I am beginning to think this is entirely different in every possible way!

Also did anyone else feel achy all over? Between being nauseated, peeing all the time and having joint aches, I feel like I have the flu and a urinary tract infection at the same time. And don't even get me started on the crying for no reason thing! I was laughing and crying at the same time when he was leaving for work and I didn't know why. I feel like a disaster! Does any of this get better in the second trimester? If not, just lie to me! :) haha!
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Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 5:33 PM
congratz on your pregnancy. my name is brandiss i am 28 and i have a 7year old and a 4month old. i really didnt get sick durring my pregnancy unless i took my prenanal vitamins without food. how do you have prenatal vitamins without seeing your dr first? 

Name: briseis | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 5:34 PM
Welcome to the board! And congrats on your pregnancy! I remember when I first found out I was pregnant; it's a really exciting time! I joined this site on the day I found out I was pregnant; that was back in January, and its been brilliant!

I'm now 31+2 weeks pregnant with my first baby - a little boy - who we're naming Joey. :) I'm due on 4th September.

As for your symptoms, they all sound pretty normal. I was practically bedridden during my first trimester. I have a condition called Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which means consistent nausea and vomiting throughout all of pregnancy, and so even though I'm in my third trimester now, I'm still being sick! Eating dry crackers and dry toast isn't pleasant but it can help. I found avoiding dairy products helped too. You should find you'll enjoy your pregnancy more in the second trimester, so don't worry. It's just your hormones going crazy, and it will pass once your pregnancy is well established. How far along are you, and when is your due date? 

Name: briseis | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 5:40 PM
Brandiss, you can buy prenatal vitamins in any pharmacy. I've been taking 'Pregnacare' tablets, which don't need to be prescribed. 

Name: lesliemarie80 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 5:44 PM
I had talked to my doctor at my last visit about how my husband and I wanted to try for a baby in a few months and she went ahead and prescribed me prenatal vitamins. She said it doesn't hurt to start taking them early. It made my skin and hair look really nice too! But now my skin is breaking out like a teenager! So much for that nice side effect! haha!

Briseis--based on my conception calendar, which I am still trying to navigate (we just started trying last month after I came of the pill) my due date would be sometime in early March. You start counting from the last day of your period right? If so, that would make me roughly 5 weeks I think...if I am doing this right. In my "What to Expect" book it says that you've logged two weks of pregnancy normally by the time you actually conceive because you count from the first day of your last period or the last day of your last period or something...haha! I need to go look again. I'm guessing my doctor will help me get it all straightened out when I go see her.

I first decided to test when I became nauseated and went to the bathroom all the time. The bathroom part is very unlike me. I normally only go once a day so I knew something was up. Also I feel like there is a rock sitting on top of my bladder. I'm guessing this is normal? I didn't see anything about it yet in "What to Expect" but I have been so nauseated, dizzy and tired that reading has been last on my list! 

Name: lesliemarie80 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 5:46 PM
I'm taking Duet for prenatal. The little clear gelcap pill goes down fine but the hard bigger pill has such a nasty aftertaste to me! 

Name: briseis | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 5:55 PM
Leslie, aw sorry to hear your skin's breaking out. I'm fortunate that I don't have that problem, but a lot of women do. :( No, you start counting from the first day of your last period, not the last day. Your doctor will give you a rough estimate, but you'll get a more definite estimated due date when you get your first scan, which is usually when you're around 12-14 weeks. As for the consistent peeing thing, it's not as bad in the first trimester as it is in the third. Then it is dire! The baby literally sits on your bladder so you feel you need to pee even when you don't have anything to pee! But yeah, peeing more is definitely normal. Just be sure it doesn't sting when you pee and that any discharge you experience is either clear or white. I had a UTI when I first found out I was pregnant, and needed antibiotics. 

Name: lesliemarie80 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:07 PM
Well so far it's just annoying going to the bathroom all the time. Yesterday I kept saying, "Oh come on now!" before leaping out of bed to run to the bathroom. If I went once I went twenty times!

It's hard to tell when I should start counting from then. In early May I realized that I had gone two days without taking my pill. I am currently in my last semester before graduating college and things have been hectic to say the least. My husband said, "Well you were going to quit taking them at the end of the month anyway so why worry about it." So I quit then, instead of the end of the month when it would have been time. Normally I would have had my period of day two after having not taken them but it didn't come for a few more days. It was heavy the first day but then nothing more so I don't know if that counts since it was only a day? Plus before it started in those days after I quit taking the pill I was at school and had this stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. It literally felt like someone stabbed me. I doubled over because it took my breath away and I couldn't stand up straight for a few seconds. A friend of mine who has 4 kids said that could have been implantation. She said that the birth control pill doesn't prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg, it only keeps the egg from implanting...so by her reckoning I could have already had a fertilized egg and when I quit taking the pill it allowed it to implant. So if that's true I could be more pregnant than I think. In June I had some light spotting around the time my period would have fallen if you count that one day of bleeding as a period and the start of my new cycle. But a pregnancy test then said I was not pregnant. So I don't know...I'm really confused! haha! I'm sure the doctor will be able to figure it out! 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:15 PM
i had severe vomiting my whole ;pregnancy, nothing helped, the vitamins made it worse so i was taken off them.

congrats, goodluck 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:23 PM
i felt like i was going to die during my first trimester of my first pregnancy...throwing up all the time, soooo tired, peeing all the time, crying for no reason several times a day ....it really sucked!

the my 2nd pregnancy i didn't throw up but i felt achy and tired all the time like i had the flu.

this pregnancy i was just really tired for the first few weeks...so i guess it's getting easier each time. but anyways...by the second trimester i've always felt much better...
then the third trimester comes and i feel like going to die all over again....
isn't pregnancy great?! 

Name: vane20 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:27 PM
Congratulations and welcome!!!

i was sick for the first 4 months then it went away on its own. Hope your not one of the unlucky ones who has it throuhgout the WHOLE pregnancy, like poor coartney. 

Name: lesliemarie80 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:30 PM
The aftertaste of the one pill in the DuetDHA made me really nauseated but so far I haven't thrown up once...just nausea. Hopefully it will stay that way because I don't want to risk getting dehydrated or anything. I hate being nauseated though...I think I would rather be anything else. Ialways say that if I had to choose between pain and nausea, I'd choose pain. Nausea just makes you so miserable.

I read about Hyperemesis Gravidarum in my "What to Expect" book. My hat goes off to you ladies! That must have been horrible to go through.

Thanks for the well wishes, Coartney! I'm sure I'll need it! After hearing stories of my friends' pregnancies I am beginning to ask what I have gotten myself into! Not really...I'm happy and this is what I wanted and still want, but man there is alot to get used to! 

Name: Coartney | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:31 PM
haha im still not used to it and havent been pregnant for almost 3 months 

Name: lesliemarie80 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:35 PM
My mother told me once that she didn't have morning sickness even once with either me or my brother. Someone had told me you can look at your mother's pregnancy to tell you what your will be like. Haha! Looks like that doesn't work out very well. Like you, Lacirrom, I feel like I have the flu combined with a UTI. Bleh!

I just called my husband at work and told him he needed to buy more woven wheat crackers. He said, "I bought you three boxes this morning!" I said, "Yeah well I ate two already okay?" and started crying. Haha! Whee, I'm a blubbering mess. :) But I don't feel sad. Too bad I'm not acting anymore. I could cry on demand like a pro! 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:38 PM
this pregnancy the only thing i could eat for almost a month was cheerios....literally thats all i ate! it was horrible! i would eat like one of those giant boxes of cereal every 2 days! 

Name: lesliemarie80 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:45 PM
My husband just suggested over IM putting cheese on my wheat crackers because it might help calm my stomach and I told him he was insane. I just want wheat crackers! *holds the box close to her chest* Mine, mine, mine! Haha! He reached in the box this morning and pulled one out and ate it and I looked at him like he had just lost his mind. 

Name: mizzescalante | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:45 PM
oh ok i didnt know that. sorry i was just wondering. 

Name: lacirrom | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:46 PM
lol thats funny 

Name: briseis | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 6:54 PM
Well the doctors and midwives have always ask me the first day of my last menstrual cycle so that's what I go by. The doctor will figure it all out for you anyway judging by the size of the embryo/foetus so not to worry. :) 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 8:32 PM
hi i'm nikki i'm 20 and have a 1 month old girl. i have been on this site since november i love it and then women!
try ginger for the morning sickness, ginger is suppose to calm the tummy. but i dont know for sure because i didnt have morning sickness. for me the peeing was horrible throughout pregnancy. and i personally loved being pregnant, so hopefully you will too! 

Name: question | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 8:57 PM
Im 27 weeks with a girl.haha the peeing just gets worse.I get up every 1 1/2-2 hours all night long.It sucks.I've had a million yeast and urinary track infections along with three bacterial infections.so you might get it checked out.I Love being pregnant other than having to be in the hospital.She can chill in there as long as she wants.lol, =) 

Name: DaneseS | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 9:04 PM
Hi I Danese I am 20 and my daughter will be 3 weeks on sunday. I love this site..all the girls here (well most) are wonderful!! Congrats on your pregnancy 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 9:06 PM
Hi, im Lauren , i just had my Baby, he is 7 weeks and i joined this site in December, and this site has helped me stay sane during my whole pregnancy, and most of the girls on here are all really close. i too read the book what to expect when your expecting,and i love it!! it was my Bible!

Name: amminn55 | Date: Jul 5th, 2007 9:56 PM
Hi Leslie, I'm 22 wks 3 days with my second... another boy! :) Being sick is normal, I was sick till around 18 wks and now I feel great, besides the back aches! I have siatic problems and scoliosis (sp) so I'm a mess. But I enjoy the fact that i'm pregnant and try to ignore the rest! CONGRATS! 

Name: missmara | Date: Jul 6th, 2007 3:06 AM
Welcome to Baby Crowd and congratulations on your pregnancy! My name is Mara and I have a 13 month old girl and a 5 week old girl. This site is great and for me it definitely made my pregnancy go faster. The one food I could always keep down in the beginning was peanut butter and graham crackers!

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