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Name: Neenaah
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Please help if you can. Sorry in advance for this long post:

I've been dealing with depression even before my pregnancy and I was advised not to get pregnant until the depression has been controlled but my biological clock has been ticking and I really, overwhelmingly wanted a child. I thought about it for over a year and discussed it thoroughly with my husband and doctors and we all agreed to conceive (I am 23 weeks now). I thought I was doing good and that having a child will help erase my depression (I just know I won't be depressed when I have such a beautiful miracle in my arms). I am very excited and I don't remember the last time I was this happy.

One day I had been thinking about names and had this idea to post a message on a forum that I'm involved in that caters to artists and writers. I asked if I could get some name suggestions. I posted on that forum because there were tons of creative people on there (I totally didn't see that this site had a forum as well. I would have been better off posting here I think). I immediately got criticism stating that I was stupid for asking for help online in regards to such a personal issue. I modestly and intelligently retaliated but I admit I may have been a little harsh because I was angry (yet I know I was still mature in my comments asking the person to refrain from berating and sullying my topic). That only led to others telling me that I'm acting immature and that I am unfit to have children. I tried not to take it too hard because they're just strangers online after all. But I can't stop thinking about it and every time I defend myself on that site it only results in more insults against my integrity. I've sinced ignored the latest responses but I'm still so hurt and sad. The worst part is the situation has taken a lot of my pregnancy enthusiasm away. I'm still happy about the pregnancy but I think of the nasty comments whenever I decide to think about baby names again and I don't want these feelings to remain whenever I say my son's/daughter's name in the future. I know I may sound like I'm over-reacting. I guess I'm just overly sensitive. I want to bring it up with my therapist or even talk about it with relatives and friends but I'm too embarrassed to admit that I'm feeling so depressed from some minor cyber bullying. I've told my husband and he helps the best he can. What are your suggestions for dealing with depression? What are your thoughts? Please don't judge, chastise or insult me. If you have suggestions please contribute but I don't need to be told that I shouldn't get help online. The anonymity is helpful for me right now. Thanks in advance!
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Name: nicole76108 | Date: Mar 25th, 2008 5:29 PM
My heart goes out to you honey as my father suffers from depression as well myself but mine in only mild and comes and goes in spurts so I dont really worry about it to much. I do see where you are coming from because most people have no clue what it feels like to feel down like that. And if people have never experienced it its hard for them to give advice.
I dont think you are wrong for posting your comment asking help for a name, hell i just gave a woman some girl name advice yesterday. She had a few names and asked which one we perferred. Do you have any names that your husband and yourself really like? I would like to hear them.
Dont be so hard an yourself either just like you said it stress's you out even more. If you have a bad day post about it 9 times out of 10 the ladies on here are very nice. And if you get that one that isnt ignore her. 

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