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Name: Sabrina
[ Original Post ]
Hey I know this is going to be long! But I will try to shorten it! I am starting to get up set,
I am getting a feeling to switch Drs me and my hubby both! I am not getting any answers and still no one found the baby on sono, yes I know too early but the way they sound it seems to be like they are going to give up after the 1st.I go in the day before I am "suppoably" 7 weeks to see another one. I have had several before and was told oha we cant see the baby well you are probly too early. Went back and they told me to have another one in 2 weeks, I was told then I was 5 weeks and that was that nothing else was really said. Then I went back to my 1st baby visit and was told again that they couldn't see the baby and then the Dr said for me to have another one done on the 1st. I believe that it is too early to see any thing but I feel as if they'll give up if not by the way they are acting. My hubby was telling me to go see another Dr. And I am starting to agree. What am I suppose to feal and what am I suppose to do?
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Name: jenny | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 3:33 PM
Hey Sabrina i know this is hard for you honey. Maybe you should see another dr. When can you make another appt? 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 3:40 PM
Yes I had to get my insurance strait so I got off the computer for a min. But I can make another app. But I am not sure how my mom will feel I am not living with her and I am married but she does kinna treat me like I am little and nead concent first but really my hubby don't like this at all and I am starting not to! 

Name: jenny | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 3:53 PM
Sorry your going through all this. Please take care of yourself 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 3:54 PM
Is it wise to change Drs tho? I really don't wanna do anything stupid!! 

Name: jenny | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 3:59 PM
well if you don't trust him do you really want him to be your dr for the rest of your pregnancy and delivery? 

Name: sabrina (preggy) | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 4:03 PM
It is not that I don't trust him it is that they keep putting me off like keep telling me to go in and have another sono and well nothing not waiting and well they keep going on like this and well I don't know but the way I feel if they don't see the baby this time they'll give up that is the way I feel any way! 

Name: jenny | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 4:09 PM
Please don't lose hear sweetie. I'm sure everything will be fine.
Just don't stress out too much. It's bad for your baby. 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 4:18 PM
I just switched my insurance and got it strait for me and the baby! I got Unborn baby insurance which covers the baby and I got Preggy insurance which covers me! The unborn covers the baby because when it is born at the hospital and needs things that covers the baby! I needed preggy insurance for my Dr and for the new ones I might see! 

Name: heather | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 8:27 PM
they saw my baby on the ultrasound screen at 7 wks!! even though the baby looks like a little dot you can still see him/her. Maybe you should switch doctors if they can't find your baby!!
They should use a vaginal sonogram to be able to see ur baby. 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Feb 27th, 2006 8:45 PM
Hey Sabrina, it'sme, how are feeling honey? Listen, it may be 6 weeks, almost 7 since your last period but remember that everyone's body is different, everyone's pregnancy is different and what applies to one person is not necessarily the case for someone else.

I went for an ultrasound when I was 6 weeks too and they saw nothing, just athick lining on the uterus indicating the start of a pregnancy... the blood showed I was pregnant so it was the waiting game for 2 more weeks.

At 8 weeks I went for another one and they saw the dot (my baby) so I was relieved. I would suspect that the situation for you may be similar, so hang in there and see what happens when you go for your next test.

Changing Dr. is not going tomake your baby grow any faster and will only cause a little bit of stress that your body can really do without. Take care hun x x x 

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