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Name: briseis
[ Original Post ]
My doctor told me that Joey should have been sitting up on his own since he was 6-months-old. He'll be 8-months-old on the 11th, and yet he still cannot sit up on his own (unless he uses his hands to balance on)

I sit him between my knees to encourage him to use and strengthen his back muscles, but I'm a little concerned after speaking to my doctor.

How old were your babies when they sat up on their own?
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Name: LindsayK | Date: May 3rd, 2008 12:44 PM
Gabbie was 5 months. Don't worry overyly about it. I'm sure he'll catch up soon. Keep him practicing! Gabbie sat and walked early, but it took her FOREVER to roll over! 

Name: briseis | Date: May 3rd, 2008 3:47 PM
That's the thing. Hes been rolling over both ways with ease since he was 5 months! 

Name: 04nidak | Date: May 3rd, 2008 4:01 PM
Kadin sat up when he was about 5 and a half months, but I was just doing a little reading about it and the average age is 7 months, but all babies develop differently. If he is able to sit up by himself using his hands then that's good. Put him on the floor a couple times a day and put a pillow behind him so if he tips over he lands on something soft and let him balance himself. Give him a toy to hold or kneel next to him and hold a toy that he wants just above his head so he has to reach up for it, this will all help strengthen his muscles and encourage him to sit without using his hands because he wants that toy. I know it's hard not to worry, but I'm sure everything is fine. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 3rd, 2008 4:40 PM
Tyler was 6 months old, but every baby develops differently

did you use one of the bebe pod or bumbo seats with him??

We started tyler in his at 6 weeks old and would try it a few times a week and then we progressed it to every day. 

Name: briseis | Date: May 3rd, 2008 4:53 PM
He sits on either a bouncer, a rocker or his highchair ... but I've gotten to putting him into his playpen more and more when I can't supervise him on the floor. I've heard of those Bumbo seats, and I might get one. 

Name: Randi | Date: May 3rd, 2008 5:14 PM
Kaden was 3.5 months when I could set him on the floor and he would stay sitting there. He was about 6 months when he could pull himself up to a sitting position on his own.

We started him in the Bumbo at 2 months, as well as the Jolly Jumper. Joey might be too chubby for the Bumbo now. I know Kadens legs got too fat by about 5 months. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 3rd, 2008 6:12 PM
ya hes prob way too big for it, tylers bebe pod has been the attic since right after christmas time, he was 8 months 

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