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Name: Laura
[ Original Post ]
I am pregnant with my first child and it was very unexpected. Don't get me wrong I eventually wanted to have children but it just isn't the right time. I can't help being mad and hateful to the world all of the time. I can't get out of this slump and I don't want my precious unborn baby to suffer from it. I worked really hard to graduate from college and I have been looking for work since I was married and year ago. My husband is in the millitary and we have been traveling but we are set now and are in the process of buying a home when I found out I was pregnant. It's been a month and my husband is trying to be supportive with me and happy but I just won't let him help. No one will hire me now and I am jumping down everyone's throat all of the time. I usually have a glass of wine a night with dinner to calm myself down from all of the stress. Now I can't do that. I have tried all the books information: Taking baths, music, reading, treating myself ect... none of it works. To make matters worse I was a smoker and I stopped the day I found out I was pregnant. I am not saying that was difficult because the health of my baby is more important to me than smoking but as I said before there is nothing I can think of to help me calm myself. Please if there is anyone out there with an idea or suggestion. I would be so greatful.
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Name: Kristy | Date: Jul 5th, 2005 5:25 AM
Be happy that your husband is being supportive. try talking to people. Maybe do something romantic with your husband. go on a vacation with your hubby. 

Name: Emma | Date: Jul 5th, 2005 2:34 PM
I felt EXACTLY the same way that you do. In fact, I had just been layed off of my job and I too was a smoker. Oh, yeah my husband is in the military too, so I understand on soooooooooo many levels what you are going through It seemed like everything was falling down around me and I was no longer the person calling the shots. This "baby" that I hadn't even met yet was the one controlling everything. I was depressed until about the 3rd month or so. Then I got my job back and instantly I was better. If you can't find a job try volunteering. What you need to do is get out of the house and occupy your time instead of sitting and thinking about how everything is going so wrong for you. Believe me it will get better. Try going home if you can afford it and be around supportive people. You can email me any time you want to talk if that works for you. My name is Emma and my email is [email protected], take care. 

Name: Rose | Date: Jul 10th, 2005 11:10 PM
Laura, first, don't feel at all guilty about those feelings! Even the most planned pregnancies can cause mixed emotions. My husband is in the Navy and I am a LOOONG way from home, so I understand the loneliness. I am 8 wks pg with my 2nd (I have a 3 year old little girl), and I too have some serious doubts about whether this is what I really want. It helps that my husband is so excited, but it doesn't ease the loneliness of being the sole carrier...I mean, hello, we're the ones that give up our bodies for 9 months. But from experience, I am telling you that it is all worth it in the end. I wouldn't trade my daughter for anything. And look at it this way, it may be better that you haven't found your "dream" job yet, because you don't have to worry about quitting later or taking maternity leave. I am struggling with the decision of giving up my well paying job or just taking maternity leave and going back. Whatever you decide, you can always deliver your happy healthy baby, and when the baby is older and it is right for you, you can find that perfect job and not have to worry about giving it up for having children! My email is [email protected] if you ever need advice or just an open ear! Good luck! 

Name: Joannie | Date: Jul 20th, 2005 4:28 AM
Anxiety is soooooo hard to deal with, especially when pregnant! I have been going through this too. Even though the relaxation techniques may not help at first, don't give up on them! You may need to do the technique for a week in a row before it starts to work for you! Like, in place of the wine with dinner, try a bath and then a progressive relaxation CD or prenatal yoga. I've learned that good habits take longer to really become effective! One cigarette may be enough to start a habit, but this may take a month! Don't lose heart! 

Name: Laura | Date: Jul 20th, 2005 9:13 PM
I just wanted to thank you all for the wonderful support. It really was what I needed. I am doing a little better but I am sure it is because of your wonderful comments. Thanks agian 

Name: rachel | Date: Jul 23rd, 2005 12:07 AM
i was very stressed throughout my pregnancy for various reasons and also found it hard to relax. i did find that aromatherapy helped my anxiety levels alot. i really focused my attention on learning more about which ones were the best during pregnancy and which ones to be avoided. there is so much info out there about them that i was able to spend hours doing research and finding which scent combinations worked for me. i got so caught up in my hobby that i "forgot" to be mad at the world sometimes. i had an extremely easy labor and a calm baby. i am convinced that it was due to all the lavender oil i breathed in. just be careful and make sure you know which oils to avoid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some can be very dangerous! 

Name: Mia | Date: Jul 31st, 2005 12:56 PM
Maybe to feel better you can find a work from home job? You cna do this while you are pregnant and perhaps after a few months post delivery -and that is something you can add on to you resume?

Good luck. 

Name: .RoSey. | Date: Mar 9th, 2008 8:10 AM
Im gunna bring up this OLD OLD OLD OLD post to piss you all off LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOLOLOLOLOL. Woop !!
ahaha look at that.. 3 years ago this post was sent =P 

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