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Name: youngwife17
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I'm counting down the days until i ovulate. But my only worry is that my husband won't be in the mood during those days. Lately he hasn't been in the mood and it's really starting to bother me. He's not so fond of the baby idea. Mentaly and emotionaly he's ready but he so worried about are finacial situation. He joins the air force soon so then we will have the money. I'm sure once I'm pregnant he'll be happy. He was starting to get excitied last week when we thought I was pregnant.
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Name: Ktx | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 6:50 PM
If you don't mind me asking, why are you in such a rush to have a baby? If both of you are not completely comfortale with the idea of bringing life into this world, then why not wait a bit? You have many more years of fertility, and I don't understand why some young girls who don't even know themselves want to complicate their lives by having a child. Nevermind, the girls who accidently became pregnant and lived up to their responsibility. What does your family say? Have you talked this over with anyone yet b/c someone who you respect needs to tell you that you're being incredibly impulsive and this could be the most selfish decision you've ever made. Though from the post of yours I read, I doubt you're the type of girl to listen to a damned thing anyone else has to say including your husband. 

Name: firewife | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 7:31 PM
Well I won't be as harsh as Ktx, but I do agree, if your hubby is not in the mood then he probably isn't ready to have a baby. Babies are very expensive, they are a life long commitment and its not a decision to rush into, nor should you force the idea of a baby on him. If he goes into the situation feeling pressured he may later resent you and the baby. 

Name: youngwife | Date: Jun 28th, 2006 10:41 PM
The fact that you are being so harsh upsets me because everybody has been so nic e to me. I'm not quite sure why you think I won't listen to anybody. I've been taking the advice to heart. I understand that you think because I'm young i don't know anything but i've been married for almost a year now and have alot of responsiblities. My mother wasn't their for me I preety much raised myself. I'm not trying to be selfish I feel god is telling me that now is the time to have a baby. If I didn't feel it was ok with him then I woudn't be so anxious to have one. I'm ready for all the reposiblity of a baby. Thank you for the advice. I really wish you wouldn't have been so harsh thought. I do understand where your coming from. Thank you! Ps this is youngwife17 i had to change it cause it wouldn't let me log in. 

Name: Ktx | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 1:24 AM
I'm sorry youngwife, at times I just get carried away. It's just that I've seen how hard it is for young couples and how it tears them apart when they have a child. Like firewife said it's a huge responsibility. I understand how the idea of a child can seem so appealing. The way they love you unconditionally and the thought that you'll never be lonely again, but you have to remember that you need to live for you. There's so much to learn and do; so much that you haven't experienced yet. Don't you want to be able to offer the world to your child? Do you want to have to live pay check to paycheck? I hope that you make the decision that's best for everyone, and that's only you and your husband's to make. 

Name: youngwife | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 4:56 PM
I completely understand and I've thought and thought. And my husband goes to basic in 4 weeks for the Air Force so we won't have to live paycheck to paycheck. I'm not saying I'm still going to do it. It's just it's so hard when every women I see pregnant or witha child it kills me. I'm so jealous. I can't even watch tlc anymore without crying. I don't like being this emotional. Me and my husband aren't on bc anymore so I guess i can just let it happen naturally if it's meant to be then I guess it will happen. I just hate it. I feel like my heart breaks everytime I take a test and it's negative. See last week I sincerely thought I was pregnant but then I got my period so I don't know if maybe I miscarred. I hope not. I just hurt so bad. Maybe I'm maturing faster than most girls my age. Well obviously I've been married for a year. Ok I'm down telling my life story sorry I got kinda off track I forgive you for being kinda mean. 

Name: krystinakoleen | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 6:31 PM
if you are trying to get pregnant, the best tip for you is to not think about it...i know its wierd but its true...try your best not to think about the possibility of being pregnant until your period is due. 

Name: youngwife | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 6:39 PM
I don't think it weird we have very powerful minds and if I think about my mind might make my body act like it's pregnant. I won't think I'm pregnant until I miss my period. 

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