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Name: zoey9810
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Today I am officially taking Tyler off bottles and Pacifiers!! He had a bottle today in the Morning when he first woke up but thats about it.

So we have tried every sippy cup in the world, no luck, he hates them all! So far for food today hes had 2 bottles in the am Puffs Crunches Yogurt PB&J sandwich and cheese cubes. he really liked the cheese cubes and the pb&j

and one have Tips or advice?? and at what age did you guys give up on bottles and pacifiers?
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Name: mother2five | Date: May 21st, 2008 10:03 PM
Some kids are just more attached to these things than others, lol Emilee still has a binkie and is almost 17 months old but I'm not worried about it to much she won't walk down the ailse to marry with the thing in her mouth. She gave up breast and bottles both with no fight at all, and takes anything with a drink in it, lol......but I've been there w/ the bottle war and feel your pain........my friend says the soft tips avent sippy cuppy's are great and worked well for her guy whom refused at first as well.
Don't stress to much trust me it will happen. Heres how mine went if it makes you feek better

kid binkie bottle
morgan 2.5 2
jeffrey 1.5-2ish 1.5ish
brittney 10 mo. 15 monthish
jacob 5mo. 12-15 monthish
emilee present 15 months

anyhow it will happen, do not buy into all the adds and Dr.'s and nurses and friends ect. telling you when it's time unless he's starting preschool and still wants them, lol.....he will let you know if the fight is to big he may not be ready....I'm not saying don't try just don't stress, cold turkey is hard......decrease his daily use of each before just cutting him off and it might be easier.......but remember juice and sweets in the bottle do cause tooth decy. It's best to get him off the bottle but do it slow if you have to, some babies just come right off and some don't!!! Good luck....hope that helped 

Name: DRB | Date: May 21st, 2008 11:56 PM
know i thought gabby getting off bottles was going to be hard but something just clicked one day and she is using sippy cups (she is using the avent bottles with the sippy cup insert thingy...so i guess we're tricking her...but hey whatever works...)
she still gets a few bottles during the day but no where near like she was 

Name: Whittni | Date: May 22nd, 2008 1:27 AM
Cadence was off bottles at 11 months and she never took a pacifier! She sucks her fingers like no other, I guess I have to cut them off. hahah [3 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 22nd, 2008 2:44 AM
LOL i didnt like pacifiers either i was a thumb sucker till i was in 8th grade!! 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: May 22nd, 2008 8:12 PM
I'll probably give up on pacifiers when she understands whats going on, she still seems to need it for bedtime and when shes upset for comfort more than anything.
And for bottles... she'll let me know where shes ready pretty much... Probably start weaning her off after she turns 1. 

Name: Double_K | Date: May 23rd, 2008 1:40 PM
My daughter broke her self from the bottle at 11 months...but she kept a paci till 2 (I SWORE she wouldn't have one after 12 months...yeah right....we finally got her broke by putting it under her pillow like the toothfairy and when she wasn't looking put a present under there and threw away all pacis....she never missed it)

Kaden never liked pacifiers........but I went cold turkey on the bottle 13 months.....it was hell the first couple nights but just fine after that. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 23rd, 2008 4:33 PM
Well Today is Day 3 So far soo good!!! He did a hell of alot better that we thought! he had a bottle last night but that was just because the baby sitter was watching him, and the sippy cup thing is still so new. any ways He takes the Nuby Sippy cups very well! he wont sit there and chug it like he did with bottles but he is drinking milk out of them, juice thats another story. but he is eating like a champ at every meal and snacks in between. he only used to eat a 1/2 of a yo baby yogurt, but now he eats a whole one every morning, which is great! and the paci i gave it to him this morning just because he would not go to sleep!!! 

Name: FatallyYours | Date: May 24th, 2008 6:14 PM
braden has his for night time only, or nap time. bottles hes been off since 11 months. no more formula nothing. it might be easier to do one at a time so they dont freak out. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 24th, 2008 7:15 PM
ya we determined yesteday that we are going to stick with pacis for a while longer, he only uses them to sleep any ways! 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: May 28th, 2008 7:21 PM
Sounds like everything is going well with Tyler,...you are winning the war! LOL!

Since Christian has turned one, he's now on regular milk. No more forumla and its going well. Then again he's greedy I figure now he'll eat anything.

We are giving a bottle in the morning.
Lunch is a real "meal" with his sippy cup of milk.
Then a bottle before bedtime.

Its going well. I just need to work on varitey for lunch.

So I'll give him a month or two with the bottle still.
As far as the paci...i'm not sure. when he'll let go. He uses it to sleep or if he's fussy I'll give it to him.

But if he's entertained he doesn't miss his paci at all.

Hope everything is still going strong. 

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