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Name: Amber
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I was just curious,any of the women here who have already had a child,Do you think Lamaze classes are important? I'm only 10weeks but I was told to start thinking about it.
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Name: sarah | Date: Feb 25th, 2006 5:47 PM
I did not need them at all I found them to take up to much time for them to teach me things that my mother easily taught me but for some women or girls its a good choice because they might not have a good coach(someone who knows what they are doing and you trust). But if you have a family member or a friend who knows what to do i would go to them and have them in the delivery room but maybe lumaze is for you but it wasnt for me my first time and wont be for me this time cause im 5 weeks pregnant 

Name: Chris | Date: Feb 25th, 2006 9:35 PM
Amber, I asked my Dr. about it right away in my pregnancy and she told me that they don't allow you to attend until you are at least 7 months along or farther. They want it to be fresh in your mind when you go into labor. It may be different in your area, I would check with your Dr. or call the education office at your hospital. 

Name: Amber | Date: Feb 25th, 2006 10:16 PM
Hey Chris,
Yeah thats what I had been told by relatives so I have quiet awhile to decide,but the dr. told me to go ahead and start thinking about it,but my friends who are already parents said that lamaze classes didnt really do much for them when it came time to deliver.I guess it's something to think about though. 

Name: Chris | Date: Feb 25th, 2006 10:36 PM
My hospital didn't offer lamaze class, they just had chilbirth class, which I thought would be the same, but it's not. We only learned the basics to breathing so maybe you do take lamaze earlier than birthing class. I don't know, but if you're Dr. says to think about it, I would. I didn't use all of the techniques that we went over in class either, but it was nice to get the information and the tour. Plus, my husband learned a lot about the birth and was more prepared and calm when they starting using all of the different monitors and things. (I do have friends that didn't take the class and they were just fine too!) Even if you plan to get drugs you should have a good idea of how to breathe through contractions because sometimes they can get intense and you can't get the epidural right away and then it takes a little while to work fully. It's up to you, you have plenty of time to decide! 

Name: elle | Date: Feb 26th, 2006 1:52 AM
I took Lamaze and I really enjoyed it. It was fun getting to know other women in my city who were pregnant also. The breathing and relaxation techniques were also very helpful in the delivery room. My husband helped a lot too, since he was there to remind me how to breath and such. I'm going to take a refresher course for this pregnancy. You can get by without taking any classes, but I do think they help a lot, especially if you're nervous to begin with. Good luck! 

Name: jenn | Date: Feb 26th, 2006 2:48 AM
well i want regular birthing classes but i think my hospital just offers lamaze. i already posted about feeling weird about going by myself. lots of people tell me lamaze was just a bunch of hooey and it didnt help them one bit. 

Name: Sarah | Date: Feb 26th, 2006 2:50 AM
You really dont need it i feel all you need to do is practice breathing when you feel its a lil before but I never had giving birth before and the doctor and my mother helped me breath fine but totally your choice 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Feb 26th, 2006 4:39 PM
Hey Amber. I am currently 38 weeks pregnant so have not had my child yet but let me tell you I would not be as confident about the prospect of going in to labour right now if it were not for my lamaze class.

Of course everyone is different with different needs but in my case I was scared to death, especially once seeing a video of an actual birth; I was in tears. Then when the Braxton Hicks start the overwhelming notion that your body is going to experience so much pain can be terrifying .

Obviously some people handle fear and pain better than others, but in my situation when the baby's head engaged a few weeks ago it hurt like hell but fortunately because I had learnt some breathing excersises and positions on the Swiss ball it made the whole experience bearable and the thought of labour since is something that I am now looking forward to if you can believe it.

Different states have different times but my classes were available at 32 weeks so ask your GP or midwife at the hospital you plan to register to have your baby. Take care x x x 

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