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Name: ..RoSey..
[ Original Post ]
I just needed to have a bit of a rant... as i am loosing my temper very slowly with rude people in the street that i dont even know !!

Most of you know my circumstances with having to leave my daughters dad.... and boy do i get reminded almost every single day !!

NEVER in my life have i copped so much shit since having izzy.......... i'm 22 and a single mum.... i get stupid remarks from assholes down the street ALL THE TIME !!!
I dont even have to be doing anything and someone will give me a smart ass remark about how silly young mothers are...
The other day i was walking through the pharmacy when some woman walked past me.. gave me a dirty look.... then said to her son " I think its so funny seeing silly young mums " i mean HONESTLY what the fuck did i do to her ??

Or i have bus drivers giving me shit about how " big " my pram is... and that if i dont fold it down then im not coming on !!!

i think almost every single time i have gone out with izzy someone has been rude and ignorant.. it makes me really sad because i KNOW im a good mum.... young or not izzy is being brought up in a healthy / happy way and as best i can.

BAHHH sorry just needed to let it out.
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Nov 10th, 2008 1:17 PM
I am younger than you, ALMOST 21!! YAY!!! LOL

but people are so rude!! im not some young slut that got pregnant, I dress fully clothed, our child came from a loving home with 2 people very much in love, now we are married, Tyler is raised Very well, I think im doing a pretty good job, as best as i can. when I go places alone, which is most of the time because Chris is deployed, people are so rude, stare make comments

Some old man actually said to me Woah you look young, how old are you, are you sure he's not your brother??

and to think, they prob were just as young as i was when they had their children!

People even say things to my mom, my mom is 49 and they are always saying your mom is soo young to be a grandma already. not really... she was 25 when she had my brother, 28 when she had me and 34 when she had my little brother! but im sorry having a baby at 25 that person is totally capable of having grand children by 50! My grandma was 19 when she had my MOM and married at 18. So please give me a break!

I hate how EVERY one lumps all young moms into one category, NO we weren't being whores, yes we were in relationships and yes we are educated and can handle our choices by our selves!!!

UGH ok end of my rant, that is till i remember some more to add LOL 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: Nov 10th, 2008 1:36 PM
Rosey, what happens to me is when I am with my sister they assume my daughter is hers and that I am the nanny. Then people act shocked and surprised that I am the mom. I'm 22 just like you and it is just absolutely rediculious! Where I live 14 yr olds are having babies and they call me young! It pisses me off. Because Brooke is being raised in a great home! I hate the dirty looks too, but I just give a dirty look back to them :) 

Name: DRB | Date: Nov 10th, 2008 2:07 PM
i am 21 and getting divorced...plus i have 2 kids...people have had the balls to ask if they are from the same father...it is totally ridiculous...but i dont care i am being the best momi caqn be under the circumstances and they have no right to judge me or any of you they dont know our lives 

Name: Joeys_Mam | Date: Nov 10th, 2008 2:43 PM
I'm really sorry to hear you have to put up with all that crap. Their behaviour towards you is a reflection on them, not you. How can they call you 'silly'? For what? Having a daughter in your 20s? Madness. :(

I was 23 when I got pregnant with Joey, and even though I own a house with Mark, was engaged, had been with Mark (at the time) 6 years, we were both working, had both graduated from University and I hadn't lived with my folks since I was 18, my folks had a fit and were deeply ashamed. I remember at the hospital after having Joey, the sympathetic looks I got off the midwife; she looked at me as though my baby had died or something equally awful had just happened, then I heard her go to the next room and when I walked passed she was smiling and laughing with the other mother (who must have been mid-late 30s)

But what's the problem really? I'm not ashamed of having a 1-year-old son at 25. In fact, it sounds perfectly normal to me. 

Name: mother2five | Date: Nov 10th, 2008 5:50 PM
I have been through this being we had our first at 17......not fun!

YOu just either have to ignore it or fire an embaressing remark right back to them.

I posted more in sahm's 

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