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Name: Jacki
[ Original Post ]
On Nov 7th I realized that I was 1 month from the day that I was supposed to have my first baby, I was told that this was going to be a hard time but this is worse than anything I have ever been through. My husband and i have been trying to get pregnant again but with no luck. I am surrounded by pregnant people and the worst one is the girl who is due 1 week before I was and she sits next to me every day in my orientation for my new job. I have actually traded spaces with another friend to get away from her smiling glowing face that always seems to update me on the way things would have been if I was still pregnant. I can't imagine what next month will be like. I actually volunteered to work on the holidays. Life just hasn't been the same since I lost my peanut. I don't have a question, just wanted to get that off my chest. Heres hoping that next month I will have something to look forward to as well as look back on.
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Name: jen | Date: Nov 12th, 2005 6:34 PM
i have had 3 miscarriages but my first one was the hardest. i was 6 weeks and started bleeding and was in horrible pain. i had a tubal pregnancy and had to immediatly have my right tube removed. i was devistated and i figured it would compromise me becoming pregnant even more. i would think constantly how many weeks i would be, how big my baby was, was it a boy or girl, it consumed me. i had 2 other miscarriages at 4 weeks, just days after finding out i was pregnant, and those were hard but for some reason the first one hit me hardest, i guess cause i never expected it. i was due june 12,2005 with the first and as the due date approached i was also very sad and jealous of the people around me, who seemed like everyone, that was pregnant. then on may 11, just 4 weeks before i would have been due, i found out i was pregnant with this baby. i am now 30 weeks. just wanted to let you know that i know what you are going through. it seems like everyone can have a baby but you. you know whats weird. my hubby and i tried for almost a year for this baby and after the 3 miscairrages is said i wanted to take a break for several months because i was getting very depressed and i wanted to also give my body a rest. so we quit trying. we did have sex once, about 8 days after my last miscarriage but i did not think i would get pregnant because i was not near my ovulation time. then boom. less than 4 weeks after the miscarriage, i found out i was prego. we wanted her but it was really and accident. i know people always say "quit trying and you will get pregnant" but it worked for us. good luck. i wish you the best. 

Name: ashley j | Date: Nov 12th, 2005 6:36 PM
im sorry jacki...so you where 8 months pregnant??? im confused sorry 

Name: Jacki | Date: Nov 12th, 2005 9:00 PM
Thanks for the encouraging words. I was 12 weeks when I had the nerve to tell my family that i was pregnant but then three days later I had a dr. appt and the baby's heart had stopped beating. We waited for a few weeks but my body never recognized that the baby had died. I ended up needing a d&c. I think the worst part was that I had seen the baby and seen the heart beating at eight weeks. I still have his pictures, I don't want to get rid of them but I don't know what to do with them. 

Name: Rahnee | Date: Nov 12th, 2005 10:56 PM
Im so sorry Jacki, I know that has to be heartbreaking. I really don't know what to say, except, I feel for you, and hope that in time, you will heal. 

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