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Name: lizshouse88
[ Original Post ]
So I recently posted about pains on the inside of my legs at the top. Well I am starting to notice pain in my lower abdomen also. Kind of a dull pain that gets SO much worse when I am up and around a lot. Is it normal for me so be in SO much pain just from walking. I mean I see all these other pregnant women walking, and I know theres no way I could because I can barely shop for more than 20 minutes without wanting to sit for an hour. Could this be because I am overweight? Could it be something wrong? Or am I just over-worrying?
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Name: babey_g_311 | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:13 AM
how far along are you? once I hit about 35 or 36 weeks walking got really hard for me too for much the same reason....the reason the other women seem fine could be because either their baby is positioned different or maybe they just grin and bear it...thats what i used to do....if it seems like its a cause for concern though i would ask your dr. 

Name: lizshouse88 | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:16 AM
I am 31 1/2 weeks. Which is why I am asking this question. I didnt think I was supposed to hurt like this until she was ready to come out! I mean literally as much as I hate it, I have to avoid going places for a long time because I just cant be up and around that much. It hurts me to be. My next doctor appointment is in a week. I will ask him if its normal then. I have a feeling it has to do with me being overweight. I have a lot more weight than just my baby on my stomach (theres a good layer of bellyfat over top of her). 

Name: bmes | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:16 AM
i get pains too....i had my pelvis pop out of joint and it sent pains all down my leg and in my butt. i couldn't walk for like a week, until it finally just popped back on its own. When I walk for too long i get all crampy and sore in my legs and belly. I am a but overweight right now too since i never lost all my pregnancy weight from the first baby. LOL....it could have something to do with the weight...i'm not sure. it's alot of weight on those legs, so who knows. i feel for ya girl. I am in constant pain lately. my back is just brutal....it doesn'r help that I have rediculously massive boobs too!! lol... 

Name: lizshouse88 | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:18 AM
Yeah bmes. I feel you too. My boobs are a DDD, so thats my back strain. My stomach is big also, from being overweight more than being pregnant. So I assume since my back has it's own problems already, it handed the pain down to my stomach and legs. 

Name: bmes | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:18 AM
wow and I can't spell!! ha ha ha!! you get what i'm saying anyways!!! 

Name: bmes | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:19 AM
36H here!!! yep!!! owie!! luckily my hubby gives me nice back rubs at the end of the day!! :-) 

Name: lizshouse88 | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:20 AM
It probably also has something to do with her being so low. Up until recently (like the past 2 weeks) I never felt movements above my belly-button. Now I see little movements everywhere. So she's definately growing, but I know she's still sitting pretty low 

Name: bmes | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:20 AM
but, when i walk for a long period of time, i do get REALLY crampy everywhere, and it almost feels like my belly is going to explode!! LOL..... 

Name: bmes | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:21 AM
yeah mine is sitting low this time too!! with Anika she never kicked my bladder...always my ribs....with this one i feel like i'm going to piss myself all the time 

Name: lizshouse88 | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:21 AM
Yeah that pretty much explains my pain. Its such a relief to sit down.. but it hurts 10X more to get up after that. Its just like a dull constant pain until I rest.. I cant wait until I can just carry her in my arms and not in my BELLY! 

Name: bmes | Date: Mar 2nd, 2007 1:28 AM
i hear ya!!! i'm already so tired of being pregnant!! but i've been pregnant for like the last 2 years straight, pretty much. It's really starting to get old. lol....hubby and I are really gonna have to be careful for a while after this one!! LOL....i'd like to get in better shape before i have another one. hopefully it'll make it easier to bear it!! lol... 

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