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Name: zuca
[ Original Post ]
Has this happend to anyone? I have pretty much missed my period this month and have had a ton of signs of pregnancy.... I tested positive with urine a few days ago within the 3 minute time limit. I then went to the Dr. the next day to confirm with a quantitative blood test, yet that came back negative. I have been crampy, but no period in sight. I am willing to accept that I'm not pregnant and am ready to try again, but I can't if I don't get my period!! I am calling my ob/gyn tomorrow to make an appointment. But has this happened to anyone to test negative with blood later to find out you are pregnant? Thanks!!
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Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 3:46 AM
that is really strange that the quantitative blood test would be wrong - that is the more accurate of the two. it can tell you exactly how much Hcg is in your blood. The qualitative just checks to see if it is there in (or above) a certain number.... i would say that is extremely rare, and you are doing the right thing by getting checked. obviously one of the tests was defective. sounds like your hoping for a positive - so i will be praying for you that the the technician screwed up your blood test! 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 3:47 AM
p.s. how many dpo are you? that would make a difference. 

Name: zuca | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 4:02 AM
I am 18dpo which would seem odd to get a negative at this point. I was 15dpo with the positive HPT. I did three of them, all from different boxes which came up positive. I have heard in some cases that this could happen. I guess I'm just so confused since my period hasn't started. I've been just very mildly crampy this whole past week. I can feel my ovulation, I have been blessed with that, so I know I ovulated this month. 6dpo I had pale pink spotting and cramps then the cramps went away, only to return this week. I though for sure AF was on the way, but I've yet to see it appear. I'd be happy just to get my period so we can start trying again. It's just very frustrating. If this were an early miscarriage, wouldn't I bleed by now?? It could be possible to that the techinician screwed up the test! My only hope!! Thanks so much for the prayers and the response! It's just so frustrating! I just want to move on one way or the other. We really want to be pregnant, but are not obsessing about it, and this just throws a wrinkle in the whole deal!! 

Name: zuca | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 4:04 AM
Also, they were not disappearing positives either... they are still there to this day, only a tiny bit of fade to them.... ARRRGHH!!! 

Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 5:50 AM
i compeltely understand your frustration! unfortunatly i've definitly become obsessed with baby making and babies in general, but i've tried to keep my mind off it lately. i know if my test is negative in a few days i'll be just crushed because of all the emotional, physcial, and financial effort i've been putting into this whole fertility thing. 

Name: crystalno | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 9:19 AM
hi zuca. i wouldn't totally rule out that you're not pregnant quite yet. i took a blood test, and it came up negative. okay...to backtrack. i conceived very first day of october. i had a blood test done october 26th, and it came back negative. ALL of my at-home urine tests came back positive. i went back for a repeat blood test on November 7thish, and that one FINALLY came up positive. the doctor thought it was strange, but nonetheless true! anyways, i wish you luck and hopefully you will have an answer soon! 

Name: zuca | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 2:01 PM
Thanks Crystalno! That does give me hope in a big way!! = ) I'm going to call my gyn dr. today to get an appt. I figure by the time I get in there, since there is always a wait, more time will pass by that there will be a more difinitive answer!! You must be almost in your 9th month by now if you meant this past October? I'm sure you are so excited! My husband and I are really excited to conceive, but we really aren't in any rush. We would just like to get to the bottom of our current situation so we can either start with prenatal care, or just have fun trying again!! = ) Thanks again for the encouragement! If I didn't get the positive HPT, then I wouldn't think there was a chance. Hope all goes well with you and the birth of your precious baby!! 

Name: zuca | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 2:16 PM
Nicole, I TOTALLY understand!! My husband and I haven't been trying for that long and I'm already feeling so emotional just with waiting to find out. How long have you been trying? It's easy for someone to say, "try to keep your mind on other things..." not so easy!!! So I guess you are in the 2ww? I will pray you get a positive when you test! We women spend so much $$$ on early detection HPT's and they are NOT cheap! There is a website called webwomb that sells early detection tests for $12 or something like that, and you will get 15 of them! I think they are just the paper test strips and don't have the fancy plastic cases is why they can sell them that cheap. At least that can help keep some of the fertility costs down! I want to get some, but I'm on hold until I find out what my situation is!! Oh, there is also a book out there called Prayer's and Promises for Supernatural Childbirth. My Mom gave it to me and I read the prayers every night! There are prayers for conception, during pregnancy, and giving birth. It's a little tiny book by Jackie Mize. I highly suggest it!! It's $4.99 for the small version the one I have and then she makes a bigger book as well for $7.99. My heart goes out to you!! Hang in there!! 

Name: crystalno | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 8:51 PM
yep, i am scheduled to gove birth by c-section JUNE 28th! that is 2 days away. and i am scared to death. scared scared. i want to run away. my parents will be here tomorrow, so i am hoping that with my mom there, i might calm down. you think i would be cool since i had the same procedure with my daughter who is now 5. but nope. they had to put me under general anesthesia....... oh well. she has to come out sooner or later.....
i wish you, zuca, and you nicole the best of luck! don't stress out! when God says you're ready, you'll be ready! it'll happen when you least expect it! 

Name: zuca | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 11:06 PM
Thanks Crystalano, I agree with you 100%! Just as God says when we are ready, he can also take away your fear! 2 Timothy 1:7 !! God Bless and take care!! I'm sure everything will be fine! I'll pray for you that you find the peace that you need!! And an early congrats on your second little blessing!!! = ) 

Name: lbarnwell | Date: Jun 26th, 2006 11:47 PM
I would get a blood test done and that should be without a doubt that should give you a 100% answer. 

Name: sylvi21 | Date: Jul 4th, 2006 3:49 AM
hi i'm new to this forum. i too have not recieved my period and i was due on 6/8. I just took a hpt today and got a negative. if i dont get my period this month i am going to make an appointment for a blood test. I dont know if i'm preggo or not, but my body definitely feels different. what do u guys think? i feel really tired and have been getting a lot more discarge lately(sorry tmi) any thoughts? 

Name: jasmines | Date: Jun 26th, 2007 5:43 AM
i want to know i don get my period ever month in abril a just spott for one day can i still get pregnant? well i have syntomes like if iam pregnant n my stomech is geting harde n big so what does that mean? 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Jun 26th, 2007 6:39 AM
Zuca, don't lose hope. My cousin always got positive hpt and then a neg blood test at the doctors. She knew she was pregnant and demanded another test NOW! They did and it came back positive.

Also, you don't always ovulate the same time everymonth. Anything can delay it. So it could be that you ovulated later than thought or haven't ovulated yet. The only way to know for sure is by temping. You can even get a positive opk and still not ovulate. There are many women who don't ovulate every month as well. Again, temping will confirm it for you. I don't temp anymore, but I am a big advocate for any women who are ttc as it shows you exactly what is happening with your body. It will also show you your lp phase which is very important in getting a staying pregnant. It normally averages 14 days, but mine is 12. Your lp usually never changes.

Hang in there, there is still hope. I would demand another blood test. Have you taken another HPT? I've never had a blood test to confirm my pregnancies, I get a positive, I call the doc and they schedule me for my first apt. At that apt, they only confirm the preg by u/s to get due date.

God bless! 

Name: Daisy-UK | Date: Jun 26th, 2007 6:46 AM
jasmines, you can still get pregnant without your period every month. Both my boys were conceived when I only had my period 4 or 5 times a year. The only thing I would be concerned about is that you really want a normal flow when you do get your period, spotting isn't enough to prepare your body to carry a baby. You should take a hpt and then call your doctor to see what's up.

sylvi21- any test can be wrong, but odds are against it. I've been pretty sure lots of months I'm pregnant and will scrutinize every symptom for pregnancy. I've learned that you can get any symptom at any time and it doesn't mean you're pregnant. The only way to confirm is by testing at the doctors and if you don't get your questions answered then make sure you don't leave there without them. You're paying them, not the other way around. 

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