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Name: breemichelle
[ Original Post ]
The vaccination post was getting too long.

How come you won't do the rotovirus (sp?) vaccine?
Is there something bad about it?

I though it was weird that they gave it to my baby orally and she hardly got any of it in her mouth (she was pissed and it kept drooling out the side of her mouth) and I wondered how it was going to be effective if she didn't get it all.

Note: I'm not trying to start another vaccine debate here, I just wondered why Randi said she wouldn't do that particular vaccine. =)
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Name: Randi | Date: Sep 30th, 2007 5:24 AM
*Kaden had the actual virus, not the vaccine. 

Name: breemichelle | Date: Sep 30th, 2007 8:07 PM
Bare (bear?) with me here, I'm a little confused. So because he had the virus and is now immune to it, that's why you said you wouldn't get him that vaccine?

Makes sense. =) Glad to hear there is no bad news about that vaccine. 

Name: Randi | Date: Sep 30th, 2007 8:20 PM
Exactly. Once they have had a virus like that they can't get it again. It builds up immunity. That is essentially what vaccines are. They give a small, killed dose of the virus so you build up antibodies. 

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