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Name: DaneseS
[ Original Post ]
oki still have bleeding "down there" and it is scaring me...like yeah it just started today and they sent mehome and such but should i still have bleeding..its still bright red...not dark
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Name: Mandy Lei | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:45 PM
How far along are you again? Sorry can't keep up with everyone. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:45 PM
31 weeks 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:46 PM
is it in your underwear or does it just come out when you pee 

Name: Mandy Lei | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:47 PM
Could you have placenta previa? Or Abruptio? 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:49 PM
they checked me today and said everything was normal...

yeah lauren its only when i pee but a little leaks out into my undies..but that is a brownish red... 

Name: Mandy Lei | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:51 PM
Remind me. Did they give you a pelivic and that's why you're bleeding? 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:52 PM
no..if you read the post danese? you will see what happened 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:55 PM
well dont they say its normal to spot every once in a while as long as your not having cramps or contractions?? 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:56 PM
this is more than spotting 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 10:57 PM
and the doc also said it could end up with me going into labor...which this early is scary..even though she has a good chance of being fine..still scary 

Name: Mandy Lei | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:02 PM
So if everything is normal then that means you don't have a UTI like they thought ?(I read your post). It just seems odd that you would bleed for no reason. They checked you for contractions but how are you feeling otherwise? I would take it easy for sure. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:05 PM
i am taking it easy..i i dont know why i am bleeding they said they didnt even know...just to stay on bedrest and call them if i start cramping or am still bleeding..should i wait tiltomorrow to call tosee if maybe it stops tonight? 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:12 PM
ya i would wait unless any thing changes then i would call 

Name: NIKKIS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:21 PM
danese i think you should go to the hospital 

Name: bmes | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:26 PM
Facts About Bleeding During Pregnancy
Bleeding during pregnancy at any time is not considered normal. Bleeding during the third trimester of pregnancy occurs in 4 out of 100 pregnancies. If you are experiencing vaginal bleeding during late pregnancy (that is either more than spotting or that is bright red), you should contact your healthcare provider immediately. Heavy bleeding in late pregnancy can cause complications with childbirth.

Causes of Bleeding During Pregnancy
There are a number of reasons why a woman may bleed during the third trimester of pregnancy. Some of the causes of bleeding in late pregnancy include:

Placenta previa
Placental abruption
Uterine rupture
Cervical cuts
Vaginal cuts
Bleeding disorder
Unknown causes.

The two most common conditions that cause heavy bleeding are placenta previa and placental abruption.

Placenta previa occurs when the placenta either partially or completely blocks the opening in the cervix. It can be a serious problem if you go into labor with placenta previa. If a normal vaginal delivery is tried, the part of the placenta covering the cervix can separate from the uterine wall when the cervix dilates. This can cause serious bleeding during pregnancy, and it may be fatal for the mother and/or the baby. Because of this, cesarean delivery is often recommended for placenta previa.

Heavy bleeding can also be caused by placental abruption, which happens when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus during the pregnancy. This can reduce the supply of blood and oxygen to the baby. If the abruption is serious, the blood vessels from both the mother and baby can rupture, and they can suffer serious blood loss. If the abruption is significant, a cesarean delivery is usually recommended.

When bleeding during pregnancy occurs, the specific treatment recommended will be based on what is causing the bleeding and how the mother and baby are doing 

Name: bmes | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:26 PM
I think you should go get a second opinion. 

Name: MyTwoBabies | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:30 PM
Just to be on the safe side it wouldn't hurt to call your doctor. 

Name: question | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:38 PM
Danese,I think you should go to the er and get it checked again.sometimes the docs miss something.I am worried about you. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:48 PM
ok i did call and left a message with the operator and he is having the on call doctor call me back 

Name: question | Date: May 2nd, 2007 11:51 PM
good.... please update us. thinking of you.(((( hugs)))) 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 3rd, 2007 12:02 AM
okso the doctor called me back and he said that if i start saturating a pad then to go in but right now the bleding is minimal and i am not having contractions so there isnt much they can do for me since they just did the exams today and i may even be bleeding from the other docotr examing me earlier 

Name: AivenorBB? | Date: May 3rd, 2007 12:35 AM
Well that's good, I hope it doesn;'t get to the point and stops all together. I had a placental abruption and its scary, so I;'m glad they ruled that out. Hope everything gets better and I'll be praying for ya. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 3rd, 2007 12:51 AM
yeah i really hope it doesnt get to that point too..thats is what i am afraid of..and i hated that they couldnt figure out what is causing bleeding down there 

Name: AivenorBB? | Date: May 3rd, 2007 12:55 AM
omg yeah,, that would set me off. that would proably freak me out more than knowing. Not that you should freak out. lol. I'm goign to quit talking now. 

Name: missmara | Date: May 3rd, 2007 5:10 AM
I had bleeding a few weeks ago and at first thought it was vaginal bleeding but then realized I was actually urinating blood. It would spot my underwear a little, but mostly I noticed the blood in the toilet and when I wiped. It turned out I had a kidney stone and the stone was scraping the urethra as it passed which caused the blood. They also discovered the Group B strep then too. And the blood was bright red, not brown or dark so....have you ever had a kidney stone before? 

Name: briseis | Date: May 3rd, 2007 11:26 AM
I've heard that sometimes there can be clots in the placenta, which erupt and can cause bleeding? But I dunno. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 3rd, 2007 11:48 AM
ok so so far today no bleeding..so maybe its stopped..i hope....i have never had a kidney stone to my knowledge but hey who knows.....but the doctor had checked down there and said it was vaginal bleeding so i dunno...i am still freaked put but who wouldnt be...i am hoping my husband calls me soon..... 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 3rd, 2007 1:08 PM
yeah so jonathan called..finally...but i am kind of upset because he could have called all this past week but he has been tired and too lazy to go to the phones....i dunno..i am happy he called though and he made me feel alot better and he promised to call back as soon as possible..so yeah...we'll see if he does...hmm..YAY...but they arent sending him home cause i am not dying...and he's like babe i dont want to come home because if i do come home then that means something bad is happening and i dont need anything bad to happen ok...bleh..lol...i want him home... 

Name: Lola | Date: May 3rd, 2007 1:56 PM
Ha! I'd pretend the world was ending just to get him home :P


I dunno what that bleeding is though, it's creeping me out that nothing's being done about it.

We have to realise it is not normal to bleed like that...It's a sign of somethin' that's not right.

But I don't really know anything about pregnany, mainly what I've been through...I dunno...

You shouldn't just let it slip.. 

Name: DaneseS | Date: May 3rd, 2007 2:05 PM
yeah well the doctors didnt know what it was from and i called last night cause i was still beleeding but they told me to just wait because i wasnt saturating a whole pad and so far this morning there is no bleeding but i am on bed rest so maybe thats why...who knows..i have my next doc appointment on tuesday at 11:30 am...so we'll see then i guess unless something happens between then and now.... 

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