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Name: mybabyboy
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Okay I'm 19, I have a almost 5 months old son, and I'm 8 weeks pregnant. When I had went to th Dr. he was like wow you just had this baby? Wait what year are we in 2007? You had this baby 4 months ago? You are going to be pretty busy. Also the receptionist is like omg I guess one isn't enough. I hate people that think I'm some littile girl who can't handle just having a baby and being pregnant again. I'm not going to lie it's going to be a challenge, but I'm not some dumb 13 yr. old girl. I'm just tired of the dumb reactions. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to me it sounds rude. Am I overreacting? I don't know I guess it feels that they are looking down on me even though I have my head up high.
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Name: babey_g_311 | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 7:28 PM
I know how you feel and no your not overreacting....Im 20 and I have a 3 week old and everyone is like "wow, your going to be broke" or "your so young, your gonna miss out on alot of things" It makes me mad because I experienced life early.....at 14 I was running around partying and stuff and got it all out of my system and managed to pull my life back together and get married and go to college....mine was a planned pregnancy and yeah it just makes me so mad bcause everyone is different just because one 19 year old might have a hard time with things doesn't mean you will.... 

Name: mybabyboy | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 7:50 PM
I didn't get to do all that teenage stuff. I never even went to party. My mom was always keeping me home and I wasn't allowed to go anywhere. I had boyfriends, but I could only see them when they came to my house and we weren't allowed to be alone. I had to do everything behind her back. I guess I should've listened, but my life is ruined like everybody is saying. I love my babies even though they weren't planned pregnancies. 

Name: Marti | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 8:01 PM
I have a friend who is 32. She got pregnant when her baby was 3 months old and heard the same things from the doctor to friends to family so i think people just say stupid things like that regardless of age. I owuldn't take it too personally. 

Name: breemichelle | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 8:17 PM
Well at age 25 after being married for 2 years I announced to our friends that we were going to start trying for a baby and our male friend turned to my husband and said "your life is over dude." and then his wife pouted about how it was going to ruin all our fun. People are just negative when a situation doesn't fit into what they would do in their lives (strangers or people you know) If you're confident that you can handle it then that's all that matters. 

Name: mybabyboy | Date: Feb 27th, 2007 8:42 PM
My hubby's brother was saying things like his life was over. I told him to tell hs brother to go f**** himself. My grandmother wanted me to abort. She was saying oh he screwed you over with two babies. I'm like whatever it's not like she is raising my baby. I hate when people talk about others when their lives are screwed up. 

Name: Lola | Date: Feb 28th, 2007 1:15 PM
Well, if I reschedule an appointment with the nurse at my GP's.

She flips out saying I'm not looking after myself or my baby.


I do feel as though they are down on me because of my age.

It's irritating. 

Name: mybabyboy | Date: Mar 1st, 2007 4:06 PM
Why did she say that? Some people are so rude. They don't know what you are doing or what is going on in your life in order to say you aren't taking care of your baby. When I was pregnant with my first I was animic. They were saying are you sure you are taking your prenatal pills? I kept saying yes and they had a face like sure you have. Yesterday I was at babycenter.com and they have a chat there. A woman was talking crap because I'm pregnant again so soon and I'm 19. I'm felt so annoyed I didn't ask for her opinion and I don't care for it either. 

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