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Name: spankyx0711
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I pointed out a crib that I liked to my mom and she responded with the funniest look. She said that newborns are supposed to sleep in bassinets until they out grow them. Then they are able to sleep in a crib. Has anyone else done/heard of this?
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Name: nicole jones | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 7:34 AM
Yup. Babies usually either sleep in a bassinet or in the parents bed until about 3 months old. It's just easier to get to them that way since they wake up as much as every hour during the night. (i dont have any babies yet, but posted a similar question about how many months is old enough to move to their own bedroom - and that's the response everyone gave) 

Name: spankyx0711 | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 8:20 AM
that makes sense, the whole it's easier to get to them. i just didn't dare ask my mom why. questioning her would of made her funny look go to an angry look real quick lol. 

Name: S.M.B. | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 11:19 AM
Bassinets are great for the tiny ones. The play-pens now have attatchable bassinets at the top, they are roomy and great!! It's not safe at all to have an infant sleep in a parents bed. I did take naps with my infants, but I made sure that no lose blankets, pillows, etc surrounded my little one, things happen so quickly so we all have to be careful. 

Name: mommyagain | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 1:40 PM
The ya re nice yes but dont feel like you have to have a bassinett. In all reality yes your baby can be in a crib it wont hurt her!!! But it is very convient if you plan to have baby in the room with you at night. 

Name: cheryl | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 2:14 PM
i kept my baby in her bassinet for only like 2 months. she only slept in my room next to my bed for 2 weeks, i had a hard time sleeping for what little time i could because i was staring at her making sure she was ok. if i didn't do that i wouldn't have gotten any sleep. after 2 months she slept better in her crib so she has been there ever since. Our next baby wil sleep in the bassinet a little longer only because my daughter will still need the crib for a while after our next baby is born. 

Name: whittney1 | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 2:59 PM
I have also heard that by putting a new born in a bassinet or atleast in bed with you, you decrease the chance of SIDS. I don't know the details, however I do know that part of it has to do with them hearing you breath. If they hear you breathing, this reminds them to breath. 

Name: Ashlie | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 3:15 PM
I heard of that but what I am going to do is keep a bassinet in my room for her to sleep in and when I feel that she is ready she will go and sleep in her room in her crib. 

Name: Sarah M | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 5:56 PM
My daughter was able to be in her bassinet till she was 5months and then we wnet to a crib but it all depends on the size of the bbay also my\ine was lil and still is hehe but the bassinets that roll around the house are great cause then you can take them to the room that w\you will be in whenever you want 

Name: Brandy | Date: Jun 29th, 2006 6:01 PM
There is no rule stating that you HAVE to have baby in a bassinet. I started both of mine in one just because I could have them right next to my bed and not have to get up and walk accross the room to check on them. It made me feel a bit better. I put my oldest in a crib at about 3 months and my newborn is still next to me or in the bassinet. 

Name: spankyx0711 | Date: Jun 30th, 2006 7:32 AM
wow thanks for all the helpful information! i guess one thing i'm going to have to learn about being a mother is to trust my instincts. i guess i'll just "know" when the baby's ready for the crib. thanks so much for the useful information! 

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