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Name: sammm
[ Original Post ]
I recently had a pregnancy scare with my boyfriend we had intercourse for about 1 min. And he didnt cum in me but he had precum it was my first time unprotected so I had a nervous break down I think I was so worried I made myself sick that was on august 23rd then on sept.11 I got my period but it was not normal it only lasted like 3 days compared to the usual 4 or 5 so I got even more worried since then I have taken 10 hpt and all have been neg. But then again on oct. 5 I got my period and again it was shorter then usual I still had all the blood clots and everything it was just shorter then usual now again I'm worried that I could be pregnant if not what could be causing it to be irregular ... lately I have lost 10 pounds unintended and I have been feeling a little lightheaded
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Name: zoey9810 | Date: Oct 14th, 2008 1:46 PM
First off, when your pregnant you gain weight not lose it!

Stress can alter your periods, so stop wasting your money on pregnancy tests. It is true that you can still have your period while your pregnant, but your situation just sounds like its stress and your not pregnant. As well as the weight loss.

Maybe you should have a back up for of Birth control, like Pill, that way you can use both, condoms and pills, its sorta fool proof.

My husband just left for another deployment at the end of Aug, and i was due for my period the first week of Sept.... it never came! I started to freak out which made the delay-ment process even longer because i was so stressed about it, and my husband leaving off to war and taking care of every thing by my self. Stress can really mess your body up!

Any ways I got it a few weeks ago, it was almost a month late! But try not to worry too much, its not good for you!

Good luck! 

Name: Joeys_Mam | Date: Oct 14th, 2008 3:20 PM
Even though your period only lasted 3 days, was the bleeding heavy? Implantation bleeding is just slight spotting, a pinkish colour, not the deep red blood of a regular period. You also wouldn't get implantation bleeding twice, I shouldn't think either. If you were pregnant, the pregnancy tests would have been positive. I think you're just extremely stressed out and it's affecting your cycles. Go to your doctor to be sure. 

Name: aiden | Date: Oct 20th, 2008 11:57 PM
not true zoey. lots of women lose weight when theyre pregnant. there are hundreds of documented cases, including mine.some are due to hormonal imbalances but most are due to morning sickness.my mom carried all four pregnancies and weighed less at delivery than when she got prego. she couldnt keep anything down.

sammm it sounds like you stressed yourself out girl. relax, hope you get the results you want. keep us updated. 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 2:21 AM
She isn't having any morning sickness at all! And Im pretty sure she doesn't have a hormonal imbalance, shes just stressed! 

Name: ..RoSey.. | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 9:29 AM
haha i lost HEAPPS of weight in my 1st month or 2 of pregnancy so much to the point my pants were falling off me. 

Name: Opheiliamath | Date: Oct 21st, 2008 3:34 PM
I lost a few lbs with Christian but that's becaue I had really bad morning sickness.

Going by the date you mentioned go ahead and take a pregnancy test or go to your doc. 

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