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Name: Allyson
[ Original Post ]
has anyone had sharp pains on the sinds of there bellys? i noticed today that i have been havind sharp pains on the sides of my tummy... and when i sit down it feels like there is sooo much weight on my left side.. but im not that far along to have the baby be on one side. i am freaking out.. i keep thinking im going to miscarry.. :-(
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Name: Denise | Date: Dec 15th, 2005 3:40 PM
How far along are you? if you are really early like 6 weeks it can be a tubal, which you need to have checked out. If you are farther along and have already had a u/s to confirm then it is probably just your ligament and muscles stretching. Good Luck 

Name: Angela | Date: Dec 15th, 2005 3:43 PM
Allyson, I'm 12 weeks pregnant and I experience pains on my sides and my lower stomache from time to time. Don't freak out about it...it's normal. There's lots of stuff going on in there that can cause that pain.

If the pain becomes unbearable or a problem, I would seek your Doctor's advice. But until then, just remember that your body is going to act strange to what you're used to...don't freak out. Best of luck! 

Name: ashley j | Date: Dec 15th, 2005 8:06 PM
just call the doctors thats pretty much the only thing you can do to make yourself feel more at ease....I experienced sharp pains I can't remember how far along I was but the doc said it was probably my uterus stretching.... 

Name: Allyson | Date: Dec 15th, 2005 11:31 PM
well it got soo bad last night that i had to go to the ER and they said the cysts on my ovarys are getting bigger.. but they can't do anything about it till i have the baby.. i am only 11 weeks. and the only thing i can take for it is tylenol and that doesn't help at all.... it got so bad last night after i came back for the ER all i did was cry and say i want my mommy all night :-( i don't know what to do it hurts too bad to just deal with the pain for 7 more months 

Name: heather | Date: Dec 16th, 2005 2:07 PM
what? they told you they couldnt de anything? my aunt has had gall badder surgery and there have been numerous girls that have gotten that taken care of WHILE they were pregnant... BUT you might just have one of them cyst that enlarge and disappear itself. i had a cyst and it was only there for 3 days. Doctor said they dont USUALLY come after 16 weeks...hope you get better....they wouldnt put your babies life in danger like that, i hope...they know if it were to rupture something would happen, im sure your ok. 

Name: Allyson | Date: Dec 18th, 2005 9:44 PM
thanx i went to my docs friday she said everything will be ok. she gave me darvocets i thought that was a lil wierd because im preggo but she said its ok it will help with the pain and it has! im back to my old self and im so glad! 

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