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Name: jazzy1stbaby
[ Original Post ]
i'm so stressed out i'm thinking about stop breastfeeding and thats something i really dont wanna do.every time i breastfeed my daughter she throws up i mean non-stop untill she gets all the milk out but when i give her formula she holds it down with no probem. i've tried to see if it was beacuse i was breast and bottle feeding but when i breast feed for a whole day she would just throw up and it's like she never gets full she crys and cry for more then i tried bottle feeding for a whole day witch hurted me so much she didnt throw up not once. my mom says she dont think im eatin healthy enough she says i eat to much junk food could this be the reason? i need to know somthing cause i love breastfeeding and i know it's the best thing for the baby but i'm starting to think i'm hurting her stomach.
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Name: nicole76108 | Date: May 5th, 2008 4:19 AM
Wish I could offer some advice but I didnt breast feed my son so Im clueless on this. But trust me there are alot of ladies on here that breast feed so you should get some really good advice. Good Luck! 

Name: zoey9810 | Date: May 5th, 2008 4:49 AM
I have no clue maybe you should call your dr. i dont think eating junk food has any thing to do with it though, a starving Ethiopian womans milk has the same nutrition as a healthy woman 

Name: 04nidak | Date: May 5th, 2008 3:00 PM
I am not an expert on breastfeeding by any means, but just had a thought....have you tried to express milk or pump breastmilk into a bottle? If you haven't you may want to try doing that to see if she takes it better that way. Maybe your milk comes out fast and it's getting her stomach upset and when she drinks from a bottle she can go slower and it digests better. I don't know if that could cause it or not, but it's worth a try. You could always call and talk with your doctor as well...or a lactation consultant. Good luck 

Name: LindsayK | Date: May 5th, 2008 5:06 PM
I'm not sure what's causing her throwing up when you nurse her. I only breast fed my daughter (she never once had formula) and she was a huge spitter upper. Something to remember though, is that when a baby spits up, it always looks like more than it actually is b/c it gets mixed with a lot of saliva. My daughter spat up after almost every feed for the first 6 or 7 months, but still gained weight rapidly. So the doctor said not to be concerned about it. I often wondered if it was something in my diet that cauesd it, but I never found anything particular. I did discover however, that any time I had anything chocolate, it gave her wicked diaper rash. Good luck and I hope you're able to continue nursing your daughter, it really is best for baby. 

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