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Name: prudence
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i had a missed m/s at 19weeeks 4days i had to be induced into labour and go threw it all has anyone gone threw the same thing
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Name: Sara Jo | Date: May 30th, 2006 9:07 PM
Did they say what was arong and why u lost it? My boyfriends Ant had a m/c at 20 1/2 weeks she had a par. laber and had it removed. Just wnated to see if it was teh same thing that happened to her 

Name: shannonrocks210 | Date: May 30th, 2006 11:12 PM
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I just posted my story. I was 12 weeks when i miscarried at home. I started having pains every 3 minutes on May 21, 2006 at 9pm. I layed there until midnight before I got up, showered, then woke my husband up to take me to the hospital. We got there at 1:30am. The doctor checked me and told me my cervix was still closed and she didn't see any tissue. She told me that I could wait for a someone to be called in for an ultrasound or I could wait 5hrs and go to my doctor to have one done. So I decided to go home and see my doctor a couple hours later. They gave me pain pills and I left. By the time we got home I threw-up and felt like I started bleeding so I went to the restroom and sat on the toilet just rocking and crying. The pain was horrible. I couldn't move or anything. I didn't know what to do. My husband called for an ambulance, but before they got there I had passed my baby in the toilet. I was devistated to look and see my baby laying in the toilet. It was only a half hour after I left the hospital that I miscarried. I was devistated and still am. I got back to the hospital around 4am and had my d&c at 7am. I got to go home at 10:30am that same day. I still haven't figured out how to cope with this. This is the most horrific thing I have ever had to deal with. I have nightmares about seeing my baby in the toilet so I am having a hard time sleep. I don't want to eat becuase it makes me feel sick. All I do is lay in bed, cry, and listen to a cd that I made for my baby. I know how you feel even though you were further along. I am very sorry about your loss. I guess our little angels are together. 

Name: prudence | Date: Jun 8th, 2006 2:18 PM
hi its prudence onthe 4th of april i went to have my ultra sound at 330pm but they couldnt find a heart beat i was nearly 20weeks but my uterus was only bout 15-16week size my ob said by the baby size it passed away at 17weeks
so for nearly 3weeks my baby was gone and i didnt have any signs at all no sickness not even a spot of blood thats why they called it a missed m/s the only worrie i had had was that my belly wasnt gatting bigger and being my 2nd preg i couldnt feel the baby movin yet
i got to the hosp at 600pm,once u are past 12-13weeks u cant have a d/c so they started induing labour at 5am the next mornwith a very painfull tablet inserted every 3hours
my pains started at 715am as a reaction i was on the loo every 30mins with the runs at bout 2pm i had a shot of pethodine and then again at530pm i dont remember the pains bein that bad with my first. i was throwing upand just was not ready for what had to happen
i went and had a shower then my waters broke at bout 615pmthen all my pains stopped and i delivered my tiny sleeping baby at 705pm for the next hr i couldnt pass the placenter my cervix had closed back up so at 10pm i had to have a d/c to remove it i went home at 1130 the next morn
it was the worst thing i have ever gone threw and wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy
at frist i didnt want to see anything but im glad idid because atleast u get that one picture in your head and have something to remember, maybe u will start to feel abit different about seeing your baby if think of it like that as hard as it may be every nite when i get into bedits all i can think about i relive every moment again in my head and just have this picture of a perfect on the outside lokking baby with its hand on its belly
arms legs.fingers toes ears eyelids nose mouth about 14-15cm
the midwife thought it might have been a boy and in our hearts we think it was to
we are still waiting for the patholodgy results from the baby 9 weeks later its only supposed to take 6 it then mean time our 5yr boy has picked a star for his babyand we have a shelf with cards 12week u/s pic my yellow card a teddy and the midwife gave us a blue card with the name we chose on it and we often light a candel it gives u something to look at and makes u feel as if u are doing something for the baby
sorry its so long i have a lot more to say and alot more fellings but i will wait until next time thankyous for replying :) 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 8th, 2006 4:05 PM
Hi i havent myself but my best friend did twice and that was at 29 weeks and then at 32 weeks!
Ask them for some tests i would hate you to go through what my friend has! 

Name: prudence | Date: Jun 9th, 2006 6:30 AM
hi lyn they are doing the test its just taking longer than expected and and depending if your friends m/s started to happen by its self or if she had to b induced it would have been basicaly the sameno matter how far u r i think the loss is still the same its just the futher along u r ,the least u r expecting it and u r getting more used to the happy thoughts of having your baby if that makes sense 

Name: Lynne n | Date: Jun 9th, 2006 7:02 AM
Hi yes it does make sense you love your baby from the min you find out you are pregnant!
I hope they find out what the problem is.
I should have said my friend has a little boy now so it is not all doom and gloom.
They found out that when she is pregnant she is having blood clots which is cutting off the baby from the placneta(i think i have spelt that wrong lol)so what they did was give her a blood thinning drug to use everyday of her pregnece and they addmitted her into hospaitl from 24 weeks to moniter her and any sign of something going wrong they did a c-section of course her baby was early but what they can do these days is amazing.He is now 3 1/2 years old just a little bit of hope there for you!
Take care and i hope everything works out for you.I am thinking of you!Best wishes. 

Name: prudence | Date: Jun 9th, 2006 12:56 PM
i have a little boy who just turned 5 2weeks ago that made the whole thing harder he has always loved babys he used to get he doc's set out and check me like every day and on the day we found out in the ultrasound room he had the video tape there so he could take home a video of his baby the sad thing was after the u/s we were going straight 2 the hosp 2 see our friend and neighbour who had a newborn the day b4
but instead i was in the next ward
my son wanted to go and see the baby so my mum took him he was very upset he didnt eat sleep or play the next 2days at skool
then once i was out 3nites later i had to go back bout 1am my sis had 2 come watch him and he must of been that worried he threw up after we left
even now but especialy then he would always ask if i was ok if i was in the bath or in bed would come sit out the front with me if i was out there with his hot choc
it just seemed like he was 10 not 5! he asked grownup questions bout the baby the day we were in the toyroom and out of the blue he put on a musical winnie the poo clock then asked me if i thought the music would make our baby happy not sad while he was watching us clean and he sez goodnite to the star he picked in the sky
sorry for going on again 

Name: prudence | Date: Jun 15th, 2006 12:31 PM
does anywon have any advice? 

Name: ARMANISMOM | Date: Jul 4th, 2006 5:46 PM
Sorry for your losses. I had two miscarriages at 4 months and it is hard as hell to cope with. These were also my first and second pregnancies. It took a total of eight years to finally have a healthy baby and now I'm going through the loss again because his dad stole him and I havent seen him in over a year. 

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