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Name: jenn
[ Original Post ]
they say that your internal organs get all bunched up into your rib cage and i hadnt thought about it all that much and i was just taking a bath and i heard the weirdest noise coming from my shoulder/armpit and i was staring at my armpit thinking what the heck is that and it was my stomach growling, i guess it is way up there. gross.
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Name: Christina | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 2:39 AM
That doesn't sound right hun. 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 3:17 AM
Yep, does not sound right at all. It is physiologically impossible. 

Name: jenn | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 3:19 AM
hehe i mean my stomach is all pushed up in there and i can tell cause i can hear it up there. all of our stomachs are up there right now. 

Name: Mommi | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 3:56 AM
Are you for real? This is my first baby so I don't know all that much but have you seen your Doc about it? How far are you? 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 4:01 AM
I am 38 weeks pregnant and my stomach certainly is not in my shoulder Jenn. 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 4:02 AM
I like you, really I do, but I seriously hope you're joking on this one! Your stomach is not that far "up" there. Trust me! If so where are the rest of your body organs???? Just think about it! 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 4:04 AM
And by the way hello and good day Anne-Marie! Or is it morning, ......dang it I can never remember. 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 4:05 AM
It's noon here, Friday 24th February 2006 

Name: Alexa | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 2:16 PM
um jenn, are you serious here, your stomach has gone all the way up your shoulder?????
how can that be? maybe its part of your breasts, your stomach cant be up there,
im freaking out here just trying to picture it and i just cant picture it,
go get it checked out please.. 

Name: nora | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 2:48 PM
its impossible for your stomach to go all the way up into your shoulder because your diaphram is IN THE WAY and only allows the needed vessals and tubes to go through it... plus your rib cages would have to expand MORE to accomodate the foreigner. and you would have an extremely hard time breathing and eatting would be even harder on you..

so its all in your head 

Name: elle | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 2:59 PM
When books and websites say that your stomach gets pushed up into your rib cage, they don't mean it goes all throughout your rib cage. Naturally, your stomach sits just at the bottom of your rib cage. When your uterus starts expanding, your stomach is pushed up a few inches, closer to the bottom of your rib cage. Like some of the other women said, it's impossible for your stomach to move up as far as your shoulder. All the organs in your abdomen, including your stomach and intestines, are actually enclosed in a sack called the peritoneum and held in place with connective tissue. It's not possible for your stomach to leave its place in the abdominal cavity. As for the growling you heard in your shoulder, it may have been sounds from your stomach echoing in the tub, or maybe just a noisy shoulder. It definitely was not your stomach. 

Name: jenn | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 4:26 PM
heehee you guys im not THAT big of a dummy, (actually Ive taken my fair share of courses in anatomy and psysiology) i dont mean my stomach has popped its way up into my actual shoulder.... i mean i can tell its getting way pushed up that way cause thats where the gurgling was coming from!!!, like my boob or armpit area. hehe my baby is where my stomach used to be.
sometimes i wonder exactly how it is your large intestine makes its way from your rib cage area (where the bowels are now) to your..... um, exit. does it pass behind the uterus in your back or does it go down the side? i cant find any pics on the internet of the digestive system of a preg woman . 

Name: elle | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 4:56 PM
It's all behind the uterus. Not sure if this'll work, but here's a good picture.


Name: heather | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 9:18 PM
lol..i didnt think thats what you meant...i think she was just saying it was up high and she could tell it wasnt where it was supposed to be..how funny. 

Name: Chris | Date: Feb 24th, 2006 11:05 PM
I understand what you are saying Jenn! At the end of my pregnancy I felt my stomach growl up by my chest and it freaked me out. I even asked the nursed if I was imagining it and shw told me no, everything gets pushed up...check out a diagram in a pregnancy book. Anyway, it will go back soon. 

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