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Name: people out there
[ Original Post ]
i do not believe in aboortion, i think it is a no no! i do know that if you are raped that is a different story but other than that its a no no!
if you are going to be "stupid" enough to have sex you should be "stupid" enough to take care of what you made! I believe adoption is a good thing people out there try for years and don't have any hope of having kids in their future! so if you can't take care of it think of that! either think that other people cant have babys and keep yours and be blessed you can or give it to a good home to someone who cant! if you were raped and got pregnant that is emotionally different and you cant possibly know that you are carring a baby that was forced. I think that it should be ok for that but not any other reason if you were not raped then you did it and you should keep it! if you agree or disagree let me know!
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Name: people out there | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 1:45 PM
no one is answering me!!!!!! 

Name: preggy with #2!!! | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 1:49 PM
I think you are right but also got to think of age! And not every one is on the computer to answer you or want to answer your post I usually answer what looks interesting to me 

Name: nora | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 1:52 PM
well for some people.. to have an abortion is a must.. even in planned pregnancies that end up being ectopic...ectopic pregnancies must be terminated otherwise both mother and baby will die.. is that something you want to happen if you had a ectopic pregnancy?

If a girl gets raped.. then there's always the morning after pill if she reports the incident and gets to a hospital within 24 hours... then she has a good 75-90% chance of not getting pregnant... 

Name: people out there | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 2:01 PM
i know that i was talking about just pregnancy not ectopic just plane pregnancys nora
and age don't matter you did it take care of it preggy 

Name: sabrina (preggy) | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 2:08 PM
hey I think that if you are 12 and cant take care of your self no less a baby and parents refuse to help then it might be nessasary to do means that you have no were to go either! 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 2:11 PM
12 year olds shouldn't be having sex tho!
But it happens just making a point! 

Name: Becci | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 2:52 PM
I am 100% pro choice. I'm 17 years old and CONSIDERED an abortion with the baby I'm carrying... I learned quickly that I'm pro choice, but its not a choice *I* can make for myself. I wont go as far as to say its murder etc though. Please dont force your views on others. Its rude. 

Name: Becci | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 2:53 PM
Oh and another thing. It annoys me when people say its ok if the woman was raped but not otherwise. What makes that baby less valuable and important than any other child. If you want to be pro life...take a full stance on it. Not one to fit your whim. 

Name: Lisa | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 2:58 PM
I don't support abortion at all, and how can you say you don't support abortion yet you support it if it were due to being raped? Either you're for OR against it.

No child should be murdered; not even a rapist's baby. That baby can however be given up for adoption (if necessary). 

Name: Becci | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:05 PM
Lisa thats what i was saying! Lol 

Name: people out there | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:37 PM
I am finally getiing responsis now!
Raped because of the stress and knowing that the baby is from forsed sex that is too much to know that you are carryng a baby that is not even wanted or was haveing sex to even make to knwo 

Name: Becci | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:39 PM
If you're going to justify abortion due to rape then you arnt prolife...thats prochoice. Its also a hypocrit in my opinion. 

Name: people out there | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:48 PM
how are people to deal with rape thogh
if you are not you should own up to what you have done 

Name: nikki | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 3:59 PM
I believe that abortion is wrong, but sometimes if the mother is a risk of dying and the baby is going to be severely retared then I think it is okay.
Some women use abortion as a form of birth control and that is wrong. I myself have 5 children I am a strong woman who takes care of my kids by myself.
Women who have abortions are COWARDS they would rather kill a baby than to take care of something so beautiful that god gave them. 

Name: Becci | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:05 PM
Then by the same token wouldnt you call women cowards who have abortions because their kid will be "retarded"?

oy I'm sorry but A LOT (not all by any means) pro life people are such hypocits. 

Name: preggy with #2!!! | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:05 PM
I agree I hate it but like age I don't know if you are 12 have no one nothing and no help I don't know I thout it was kinna ok because of that sircumstances but see 12 year olds should not be having sex to even have to think about abortion!
I seen a sticker on someones car that said "SUPPORT ABORTION" Why I asked them they said there is nothing rong with it, I believe that parents need to take care of the mistakes even if that means BABY! But there are people who want kids I have to agree with her on this one adopt them out if you don't want them! 

Name: jenn | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:12 PM
im pro choice and sick and tired of these abortion posts cause you cant say youre pro choice without everyone jumping all over you. but i dont think what is right for one person is necessarily right for another person in another place and situation. 

Name: AGREES WITH BECCI | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:28 PM
I agree. Couldn't have said any of that better myself. 

Name: nora | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:41 PM
there should be a law against stupid people having sex... 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:51 PM
You know I do believe that a women should be able to make the choice for herself. Even though I'm against it and the thought makes me cringe. But still it's their bodies and not mine! But it does piss me off when people get mad and say that it's not murder! What the hell is it then. Be truthful to yourselfs. I'm pregnant and even if I had to make that decision for myself to abort this baby, murder is what it would have been plain and simple. You're ripping a human life out of you. Oh and also that it's rude to state our opinions just because we are prolife. Well the prochoice are out their stating their opinions too. 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 4:56 PM
I think kinna with what you are saying that is how I couldn' t put it, if they are young and raped it is different they have mental stress, but when it is them and not us we can't change that.
Thank you I was saying like 4 or 5 different things trying to get that point you just made! 

Name: Irene | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 5:11 PM
with the rape thingy, unless its a really young girl who has no idea what morning after pill is? and she keeps it from her parents etc cause shes too scared etc, and of course the Dr, what does she do, is it ok for her to have abortion?
i wonder if this is considered ok to abort,
i cant say yes or no to this topic cause unless im in that difficult spot i cant say, but i think for those girls who use abortion as a form of birth contol than that is just plain sad, selfish and very wrong! 

Name: nikki | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 5:12 PM
The COWARDS are the people who abort healty fetuses.
Who are you calling a hypocrit, Becci?
If you dont like my opinion go crawl under a rock!!!!!!!!!! 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 5:14 PM
I have heard of the morning after pill be used like a b/c pill around here that isn't good to do that is it? Why not just take b/c pills every day? Why do young girls even put them selfs thrugh this? 

Name: Meredith | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 5:21 PM
Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life doesnt matter. If a woman chooses to have an abortion well then thats her right. Theres obvioulsy a reason why she feels she cant raise a child. You all go on and on about well dont have sex then, give me a freaken break, I am sure all of you have never had unprotected sex right? You are all so perfect you can cast judgement on a woman for having an abortion. Have any of you ever been faced with the descion? If not then I suggest you dont judge and condemn someone who has been faced with it. 

Name: Anne-Marie | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 5:27 PM
I agree with Irene. Abortion, if you have not been in that situation is nothing but a hyperthetical situation. There are many situations in life that we would like to believe we would behave in a particular way but when crunch times comes whether we do or not depends a lot on the circumstances.

I have personally been trying to become a mother for 10 years but with medical complications it has not eventuated until now, following 5 miscarriages and 19 operations, so abortion to me is a disgusting method of birth control.

Having said that, I am no position to judge anyone's position on the matter and reserve my judgement when it comes to situations women find themselves in and that I would hate to be in myself and have to face. 

Name: jenn | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 9:22 PM
everyone is all against abortions but morning after pills are just a way of making your body abort an already fertilized egg....
like i said i didnt have an abortion but if someone else wants to thats fine with me. im not going to get myself all worked up about it! 

Name: Question | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 9:31 PM
Abortion is murder.
Murder is wrong.
Therefore Abortion is wrong.

We are to judge right and wrong. It's biblical. However, we are not to judge someone to hell for what they choose to do.

Why should we women have the right to choose to kill our child in the first place? 

Name: Anastacia | Date: Feb 22nd, 2006 11:16 PM
I think that having an abortion debate on a pregnancy forum is the most pathetic thing. Nobody cares what your opinion on it is. Everyone has their own opinions and with it being such a controversial topic KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!!!! Especially when you are talking to a room full of ppl who ARE pregnant. Grow up and quit trying to start crap!! 

Name: jenn | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 12:28 AM
yeah im sick of it too 

Name: ! | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 1:30 AM
someone woman have abortions after another and another and don't care.I knew this girl who had two abortions and it did not even hurt her that she killed two living humans. I think its wrong because their is birht control out their and alot of people who are looking to adopt children. 

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