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Name: Sabrina
[ Original Post ]
Hey! Uhh this is okward! If you ladys shave you know bikini area, when you are pregnant and had a c-section before does your c-section still feel weird almost 2 years later, and does it get really raw feeling? Hey and if you ladys do ( don't have to say names if you don't wanna) there is a cool thing now that is called Noxema (that face acne stuff's name) Bikini razers it is very tiny and has razer guards so you won't cut your self because you know you can't see that well there (uhh that is weird topic I know) but any way, my last ? is do you itch all over especally like right by your legs after like the day or 2 after?
My ? mainly was about the c-section but I asked 1 more and told you about something really cool! (I wish they make a cut guard for leg razers this guard I checked it you can rub any where and every where (checked on my hand like over nuckles and stuff and no cuts at all) Cool huh! Sorry ladys! Bye!
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Name: tara | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 2:04 PM
yeah, i wish i could see to shave! im 36 weeks pregnant, and my husband has to shave my legs. my belly is sooooooooooo big! 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 2:14 PM
That must be cute but scarrrry *shivvvver*(lol)
I don't think even if I look like an elephant I could get my hubby to shave my legs, I don't think I would like it much tho it is kinna creepy to me LOL but he might if they get long enough to brade again (lol)

when you have a toddler a shower is in wash kinna clean out, make sure all the soap is out of your hair and some times that don't happen because he is in there reckin somein in his room constantly I don't have much time to bath but a.s.a. I get rid of him (if he goes to my moms on Friday sometimes) I will poor a nice hot bath and lock the door from my hubby and soak! (not very often I can do that ) (lol) 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 2:48 PM
the only place really ive gained weight is my belly, she already weighs 8 pounds, and im only 36 weeks. i cant wait to get her out. im going to have a c section, can you shave over your scar? 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 2:53 PM
I do now and I did you just gotta be very careful when it is new because the skin is very sinsitive! Ohhh off the subject for a min but on c-sections mine still feels weird after almost 2 years like numb but not really is that a normal thing? Oh back on shaving yes you can after awile but I was told to keep it shaved any way to not let any ingrown hairs get in it wile it is still healing and that is a couple of months to a year but I was told the scar I know you don't care but I just kept it all shaved because it looked funny half way down! Ya know 

Name: tara | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 3:37 PM
yeah, i used to shave all the way too, but now i cant get to it. my husband wont shave me there. lol seriously, im all belly. are you serious? it still feels funny after 2 years? 

Name: joy | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 3:43 PM
After four years it feels funny. I got a second c-section and it feels even worse, because its right on top of the first scar. It might be because I don't take care of my self and am moving heavy stuff. But if was part of my job. 

Name: Hot Momma | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 5:42 PM
That's nice my man won't shave my legs and I'm 36 weeks 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 5:48 PM
I feel bad to leave my son in there screaming but he needs to take a nap! I don't know what it is like to have 2 c-sections I have to have one again. I think it is because there are nerves in there they cut thru and that is what makes that weird feeling my mom had a histerectamy (how ever you spell that) and it is like a c-section scar and she said its been like over 20 years and hers still is numb and feels weird 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 5:57 PM
It creeeeps me out to think of someone else shave my legs what if they cut you I'd rather cut my self shaving on accident then some one else on accident well just the shaving is weird to me! Hey like I said up there... There is a new razer out called Noxzema (yes it is the name of that face stuff) they have a razer now for bikini area and also eye brows that has a razer gurard well I havent tryed the eye one but the bikini one is really cool you don't have to worry about having knicks and cuts there (ouch hurts just saying that legs hurt bad enough) and well I have tryed it on my hand first and knuckles and was realy rough and went like backwards (the way nornal razers will cut you if you do that with against the blade) and all and no cuts it is really neet, why don't they come out with a leg razer like that we need one because I just knicked my self with a new razer blade and that crap hurts!!!! 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 6:43 PM
I just had to put my two cents in....this is a funny topic, cause I'm now 5 months pregnant, and I can't see it down there at all unless i'm sitting down. I like to keep it trim down there so I use an electric razor to "mow" things down...lol...but I have to look in the mirror to see it...lol 

Name: jess | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 6:58 PM
i'm also around 5 months and having a hard time shaving so i bought nair u just put the cream on leave it on for about 8 minutes rince it off and poof all the hair is gone but i find it burns a lil just a suggestion cause i'm all belly too and can't see pass my bellybutton 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 7:08 PM
Jess I was told not to use nair when you are preggy ask your dr! Is it that bikini one or regular cuz if you read the bottle you are not suppose to use regular nair down there or I think it also said nipples (really it did)! It was funny! 

Name: Christina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 7:11 PM
I have sensitive skin and I tried that nare stuff on my legs before. It stinks and it didn't remove all the hair, and it burned! My cousin can actually use it though and she puts it up her crack to get rid of all the hair! Crazy woman! I'll just try to keep mowing it down using the mirrow as guidance... 

Name: Sabrina | Date: Feb 23rd, 2006 7:32 PM
Nair made me feel like I was on fire! It lasted for a long time! I think it was an hour or so! Lotion made it worse! 

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