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Name: Ally
[ Original Post ]
has anyone tried a water birth? i want to try it but everyone says it hurts worse while in water or they say its not very sanitary.. i was just wondering if anyone has had a water birth if so could you tell me the pros and cons? thanx
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Name: Chris | Date: Dec 19th, 2005 2:48 AM
Sorry, I haven't had one, but I did stay in the shower a lot during my labor...I thought it felt better. I think lots of midwives do them though...I would go for it if you want to, but keep your options open in case you want the drugs too...good luck! 

Name: heather | Date: Dec 19th, 2005 6:38 PM
who is everyone? i havent had one but ive done alot of research..i wanted to but i figured that this being my first baby i wanted to experience real labor before i took the waterbirth step. waterbirths are easier births...ecspecially at hospitals...at hospitals they can put IVs in just like a regular birth, but im not to sure about the epidural and stuff.. the water helps the muscles contract ALOT easier. the baby pushes himself with waterbirth...you have to be VERY healthy tho...they say its not sanitary because most doctors dont let you take baths for so many hours/days after labor and having the baby in the water kind of brakes that rule...also, you cant hurt the baby that way, the baby cant drown or anything because his lungs are collapsed until he hits air...good luck and hope everything goes your way. 

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