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Name: Ashlea 88
[ Original Post ]
ok it is ashlea88 i am so thankful to other ppls responses thank you so much
i am about to loose my dietition and enter an eating program in kingston hospital the thing is i am on 3500 calories a day and i am following the logs to a "T" and i have lost 6 and a 1/2 pounds in a month and a half so i am sitting on 98 pounds now again... i dont know what to do can ppl please offer advice....
thanks so much
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Name: tattudemom | Date: Jun 1st, 2007 2:56 PM
If you're following a weight-gaining diet and are still losing weight, you may have a medical problem rather than just your ED. How involved are your parents, doctors, etc. and are they in tune with your weight fluctuations? Someone should be noticing this and intervene. If not, tell them what's going on. No one here really has the expertise to advise you on that type of thing. Please seek further help and be honest because lying will only sabotage your efforts, and you know in your heart that you are only hurting yourself if you aren't honest. 

Name: Ashlea 88 | Date: Jun 2nd, 2007 3:25 AM
thank you!! my parents are really invovled, and they now already.. i have told them everything.. i dont lie to them about anything and when it regards my parents and the doctor and it is about eating stuff my mom always make sure she is in there with me to make sure our family doctor knows everything about it..
thank you for your advice,,,

Name: tattudemom | Date: Jun 2nd, 2007 2:16 PM
If your mom is witness to your eating and you're still losing weight, what does the doctor say about it? Surely it would be cause for notice if not alarm in someone with an ED history. Have they done any tests? Are you exercising yourself to death? The only reason I ask is because if you're increasing your calories and still losing, you are expending them in some kind of way. My cousin does that. She runs so much that she can eat and still look like a twig. 

Name: milkoginger94 | Date: Jun 2nd, 2007 5:51 PM
heya huni, try not to worry if your falling into your ed again try to focus on everything you have achieved and you know you can do this because you have done it once before. gain support from your family and friends and you can do this, you know recovery is not a quick and easy process but it can be done, good luck huni.
talk on msn yeah.xxx 

Name: push | Date: Jun 2nd, 2007 10:56 PM
add me
[email protected]

if you wont support darl

Name: Ashlea 88 | Date: Jun 3rd, 2007 2:39 AM
hi tattudemom i exercise at the gym with my mom but my mom makes sure i am ok and makes sure i dont do it long other than that i swim alot and i love swimmin and all... i have had tests done an ecg and a buch of bloodwork.. but it gets annoyin i eat and eat and than get sick a couple days later and loose more weight it is like i have to stay this way for ever and that i am not meant to get better at all... i dont know what to do i am feelin discouraged and frustrated as well as depressed and i am feelin like a failure beyond no belief...
thank you for all your help

Name: tattudemom | Date: Jun 3rd, 2007 3:35 AM
This might sound crazy, but you might have some kind of food allergy you weren't aware of before. When you weren't eating, you likely weren't exposed to whatever trigger food(s) are causing you to be sick, but now that you're trying to eat properly, you may be hurting yourself and not know it. The tests they do for that type of thing probably haven't been done on you either. I'd suggest you write down everything you eat and flag certain foods in your list like dairy, eggs, nuts, shellfish, etc, which are the most common allergy foods. Then, note the times you feel sick compared with what you've eaten last. See if there's a correlation between them. Something else you might have trouble with and not realize is lactose intolerance, which causes cramping, diarrhea, and other uncomfortable side effects. I happen not to digest meat very well. Try more fish and less meat for a bit to see if that helps. I can literally feel it the next day after I've eaten red meat at times, as though it's still sitting in my stomach. Sorry if that's TMI, but I'm telling you in case it helps. 

Name: Ashlea 88 | Date: Jun 4th, 2007 3:31 AM
thank you so much i have to fill out logs for ppl that are trying to help me anyways.. but i never thought of doing that to see if that could be it at all. and i think i am laxtose intolerant because i get really bad cramping after eating diary, but i thought is was b/c i starved myself for so long that my stomach wont handle dairy anymore... lol that was not to much information at all..
thanks so much

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