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Name: Geraldine
[ Original Post ]
Im looking for advice....I am 18 yrs old and Im going through a severe depression...(I've been told) I dont feel like hanging out with my friends..I havent gone out of my house for like two months I dont go to school anymore, it all started after my parents split and I am living with my fiance now...I dont want to have sex, I feel ugly, I gained 30 pounds these last few months locked in my apartment.....I feel trapped and I dont know what to do! Im insecure...and its driving my fiance away from me...I have thought about suicide! and I had never been like this before! I cant go to the doctor for I have no insurance...I have no energy to help myself....
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Dec 15th, 2006 4:07 PM
And you are just 18?! Oh dear! Honey you need to get to a doctor ASAP! Depression can ruin your life but only if YOU LET IT!!!!! There are great meds that can help you tremendously with your blues. If you don't have insurance,try calling your welfare office. You may qualify for a medical card through them. Act fast my dear! Befpre that 30 lb. weight gain turns into a 100lb. weight gain,(believe me,I know what I'm talking about!) I have gone through the same type of thing only i had both depression and anxiety and became somewhat agoraphobic. It isn't fun but Prozac could help. I take it and it has really helped my depression greatly. I still have work to do on the anxiety part though. Please get some help soon. I wish your fiance would be more supportive of your needs and feelings,this is a very serious issue. I'm sorry about your parents splitting up also,I can only imagine the heartbreak that has caused you but you have to be strong and realize it wasn't anything you did,it was your parents probably just grew apart from each other to the point where the thought splitting up was for the best for them. I know you are sad but please try to better yourself starting with a trip to the doctor,believe me,you will feel so much better in time and maybe with a little medication which there is nothing wrong with that at all. Depression is serious,please get some help for it soon! :) 

Name: bladerunnerx16 | Date: Dec 16th, 2006 3:49 AM

Name: tpeters | Date: Jan 10th, 2007 7:14 PM
Here's our story, I think it will help: 

Name: tpeters | Date: Jan 10th, 2007 7:14 PM
This is a very sensitive subject for me. I am the parent of a daughter 15 years old. She started cutting, talked about and tried suicide and had major depression. On the outside she seemed happy to those around her. She was able to disguise it well. I, through a long process, found help and I want everyone to know.
Jan. 3,4,5/07 we were in California at the Amen clinic http://www.brainplace.com/ or http://amenclinics.com/ Before we left we put her on mood stabilizer Lamictal. It started to do wonders. Glad we did not go on Prosac, the psychiatrists here in CO were guessing, no thanks.
They were actually able to see into her brain at amen Clinic and figure out what was wrong with a new type of procedure called SPECT. They diagnosed her with Mood disorder, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and ADHD. The doctor we saw explained everything. They are very thorough. She is already improving on the Lamictal and they gave her a prescription for some wafers that are fast acting to put under her tongue for anxiety if she needs something right away.
The reason for the CUTTING!!! The Doctor there explained that when a person cuts, it causes the body to release chemicals in the brain that actually cool down the hot spots on the brain that are responsible for racing thoughts, anxiety, etc. It has a physiological reason. They are not crazy! It is a way to self medicate! Get help now.
So get help now. There is good help available. Dr. Clements is the doctor we saw there. He is excellent with teens and it doesn’t hurt as my daughter put it that “he is hot” (good looking for any parent reading this that is not familiar with that term .LOL Tell him I recommended him.
Also, talk to your counselor or principal at school and get her (easier after diagnosis) a 504 plan. It will take so much stress off.
Let me know if I can help further. Prayer works, that is what led me to the path that has been the answer.
[email protected] 

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