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Name: oopsybaby
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I know this is a minor issue... but I feel so strongly about encouraging my brand spanking new 13 yr old girl (just turned) to do well in her life and do her best. She would love to be a singer/songwriter, I know this type of job is very difficult to succeed in. I also know many have made it but even tons more won't, I can I encourage her to go with her dream but to remember that it may not come to pass and have a very good backup plan??????? I want her to know we have faith in her and the songs she writes are absolutely amazing, I don't say this because I am her mother, I say this because I am a young mother and listen to her type of music and WOW her lyrics rock!!..., anyhow I don't want to discourage her but I also want her to know it may not pan out... please help me, I want to know what to say to her without taking away her hopes. Thank you!!!!
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Name: Lizzi | Date: Dec 13th, 2006 3:11 PM
Hi oopsybaby! Boy,this is a very hard topic because i understand you wanting to tell your baby to reach for her dreams but yet on the other hand only a handful out of tons trying actually make it. I would encourage her to sing at home,at talent shows around your community,and when she's a little older she could even try out on American Idol. They can be the judge on if she is truly talented and if she is can become a star overnight like so many have. Encourage her to sing but also keep her grounded and have her explore other options that are more realistic. We have a person in our family who has been trying to make it as a rap artist for several years. He takes it very seriously and is very good at what he does. He is even better than many who have already made it to the top. He even has a C.D. out in stores called Reverse Discrimination. He goes by the name of Tightest Whitest. He travels around and puts on shows and has even met with some big wigs who have made empty promises. He has a song called "Fast and Furious part 2" that's really cool and it was supposed to be featured in the movie but they suddenly wanted him to pay another $5000 and he refused so they pulled it from the movie before it went in theaters. I really think if he would have just forked out the money his song in that movie would have sent his music career to the top. He recently got back from a trip to Bermuda where they were having a contest. He didn't win but he never gives up. The bad thing about it is he is just getting older and still nothing is happened. It's not that he isn't good enough,I think it's that you either have to know someone or be willing to buy your own fame,unless you can get very lucky on American Idol or something like it. I wish your daughter much luck but please help keep her feet on the ground. It's hard and very costly to try and make it in the music business. I also have an uncle who tried becomming a country singer but with no luck. So now he sends in songs he has written and hopes that one of them will be considered a hit and he can make his fame and fortune that way,but still nothing happens for him either.It's very difficult to do and very expensive. I'm not saying your daughter can't make it happen but please encourage her to have other more realistic passions of work too.Good luck! 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Dec 14th, 2006 2:24 PM

Name: SusanH | Date: Dec 18th, 2006 11:05 PM
First! It may help to make you feel better that I think it doesn't matter how many kids you have or whether it is your first or last "brand new teenager" .....Every one of them is different. There are similarities but you have never had the 13yo you have now in front of you before. So what works with my 16 yo, very often does not work with my 13 yo.

I guess it is true that I personally have more confidence about the second one than I did the first but that doesn't really matter when they respond to life so differently.

As a teacher and a parent, I often have faced the dilemma about how to encourage your child without setting them up for failure. I teach Special Education and have had Mentally Impaired student want to be nurses, doctors and teachers when I know they will likely never even drive. But I encourage them to reach for the stars and prove me wrong. At the same time I try to make sure they have the life skills they need to take care of themselves and the common sense to see reality as much as possible. I mean who am I to say what they can or can't do in the future? I'd love to be wrong about that!!! My son has played football since 2nd grade and want to play in college and then Pro. I know it is possible but I also know the odds and my son and I think he will be great at many other things instead. So I cheer him on and encourage him in the sport and then I also make sure that he works to recognize and cultivate his other skills and interests. Help your daughter to investigate all the aspects of music industry. If she doesn’t end up on stage there may be another aspect she loves as much or more. Or just fine-tuning her talent in music and using it for enjoyment throughout her entire life in whatever ways she comes up with.

I don't think you can ever go wrong tell children that they can be whatever they want, unfortunately, life teaches them how hard it can be.

We are there to teach them why it is worth the sweat. 

Name: SusanH | Date: Dec 18th, 2006 11:08 PM
Just to add ... It isn't actually a minor issue because self esteem and concept is so important to where they end up at the end of the teen years that it is great that you are thinking about it now!! 

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