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Name: momo
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What can I say she is 16 years old...I am 25...I have always tried to be their for her...I don't tell my parents when she comes to me with things so that i can ensure someone is giving her good advice...but on the other hand i can't always have a blatant disregard for my parents rules...and when I catch her doing something wrong I have no choice but to tell my parents...You know she comes to me top talk about drugs and sex..and I try to give her good advice...i don't tell my parents these things cause she deffinatley won't go to them...but then things like having boys over when shes out of town....driving her friends around when she is not suppose to have them in the car...I try to give her a chance to fess up to them...then I tell them...because those are rules..and she can't just expect me to disregard them....I am 25 i have a child and am expecting another one...I have grown up my self...but i have never forgot whats its like to be a teen....I just wish that I could shake them senseless so that they will realize that when there my age...they will look back and realize how stupid they were...I wish they could have insight...SO I try so har to make them realize this coming from a younger perspective...but I guess I just have to let them ride it out on their own...I just owrry that some of the things she does...she won';t have that opportunity to ride them out...Any advice is much appreciated...If they were my kids...well from the begginning i would have done things different than my parents...but i am not their parents so i have no choice...But how can i be there now...admist the horrible things and still be a good sister...
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Name: marija | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 2:02 AM
i think youve done a great job so far!!
wish i had a sister like that..mine helped me pack my bags when i was ten and threatening to run away!
i am going through this sort of thing with my 16 soon to be 17yo
i would love for these years to just disappear but the struggle goes on. keep doing what your doing i have been told ...theres only so many times you can direct them, cross your fingers and hope they learn whats right and whats wrong 

Name: Lizzi | Date: Oct 27th, 2006 4:05 PM
I think you are doing exactly what you should be doing. Giving her the best advice you can given whatever the situation at hand,but yet telling your parents when you think they need to know something important. Your sister will learn things the hard way but that's by her own choice because she chooses not to listen and there isn't anything you can do about that. Keep up the good work! :) 

Name: cyndi | Date: Nov 12th, 2006 4:48 PM
I feel that you are doing one of the most important things for your sister. You are listening to her. I could only wish that my daughter even though only 12 my son is 15, that she could have been blessed with such a situation as to have someone already out on their own giving advise at a younger age than I am. I am still considered a young mom because I am 35 but I find myself fighting inside to listen and put on the friend shoe. Just one of them because eventually the mom comes out in me. It is ultimately necessary in today's society for these young adults to have someone other than the parents to talk to. You are extremely lucky she picked you. What if she was confiding in a friend of the same age? Would she receive the same answers with her best interest in mind? No, so you are doing a great job and keeping your parents in the loop is great. The only thing I hope that they are not doing, which could have an outcome of her not coming to you anymore would be using the information against her. Meaning she gets in trouble from talking to you. That might stop her from coming to you for help which ultimately would not be such a great thing. If she stops coming to you who is going to talk to. I would definately cover that with your parents. Because lets be honest as a parent having you there for her is the best situation that any parent could ask for. You are doing a wonderful thing for your sister. I hope you continue to have an open door for her. Keep it up..... 

Name: mystic1306 | Date: Dec 28th, 2006 7:10 PM
I think you are doing a wonderful job!! I wish I had an older sister like you when I was growing up, I might not have gotten into so much trouble. Just remember, being a teenager is being stubborn and self centered, and of course knowing everything, so she might not always listen, but at least you have helped her the best way you can. Great job!! 

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