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Name: Hiddy
[ Original Post ]
I just dug up one of my books! Its called "The relationship between humans and dogs"

Its written by a woman who has a phd in human and animal Psychology.

She states:

"The relationship between human and canines reveals astonishing insights into why humans may choose different breeds"

"We find that people who own dogs who are aggressive, large in size or look threatening, even though they might not be, often have social inadequencies and tend to be quick to temper"

"These people are usually not the friendliest in society and the dog is a non-verbal queue to ward off contact from fellow humans"

"The relationship between large intimidating and aggressive dogs even goes further. Our study has shown that these people often have very little accomplishments and they see that possessing such an animal as a personal accomplishment which is envied by others."
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Name: Hiddy | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 1:05 AM
When in fact......anyone can own a pitbull

Its just the morons who actually want them 

Name: WhatsUpWithHiddy? | Date: Oct 17th, 2006 1:15 AM
You must own quite a few then Hiddy. Cause you a sure a real asshole. 

Name: LadyB | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 11:21 PM
Hey! She's a moron like Hiddy! A degree doesn't automatically equal smart. What does it mean if you own a pit bull and a boston terrier? Wow...I must be complex! 

Name: I love pitbulls | Date: Oct 22nd, 2006 11:38 PM
wow hiddy you really need to over yourself...what are you inlove with terri or something cause you are always thinking about her...you need to be thinking of your child rather than another woman... 

Name: lol | Date: Oct 26th, 2006 1:45 PM
1. hiddy
4 thumbs up

Shorter word for hideous as in extremely ugly

Shut up, Hiddy!

Alright, Hiddy.
tags hideous fugly gruesome gross ugly
by blackmamba charlotte Apr 4, 2006 email it 

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