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Name: jplaw0821
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Okay so here is my dilema:

I am 28 and raising my 7 year old son as a single mom due to divorce. I am now expecting a daughter in January. I have endometriosis and was on birth control so pregnancy had not even crossed my mind. Anyway, I work full-time at a bank and though I make decent money (between 25-28,000/yr), I am struggling so bad right now that I have bill collector's on my tail. I have 3mths left and it just hit me.....more than $400.00/mth for daycare, diapers, gas commute, picking both kids up by 6pm when I get off at 5 and work in another city, food, clothing, sick days, etc.......
I can't financially breathe right now as it is, what am I going to do??? (that is what I ask myself) I make too much for gov't assistance and too little to survive. It confuses me how those of wealth may struggly but maybe with different dilema's and those of lower income classes can get help. But those of us whom are able to work and work hard to try and provide can't get anything but more work hours. I can't work longer hours because that means mor emoney in daycare. Do I stay home, and if so, where do I get income to pay my mortgage etc, or do I work and how do I possibly afford the bills??? Can someone please provide some feedback, I am really on the verge of breaking down and have noone to talk to whom understands. I am a happy person and people see me that way. I can't let them see me crack, therefore, I am kinda alone on this one. I want my kids to both have a good life. My son is so beautiful, wonderful, kind and smart. He wants to be a doctor (has since he was 3 and saw a lady who needed help cause she was blind) but he wants to deliver babies. He helps me around the house, and is always giving his money to kids at school who can't afford a new pen from the school store (did you have those in school? I didn't, lol). Tonight he came up and gave me $1.50 he said he found and told me to keep it, that tore me up. It's not fair for my kids to suffer for my shortcomings. Anyway I am babbling, please I know I sound whiney, I'm sorry, I just really need some advice I don't know what else to do. Thanks for at least listening/reading.


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