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Name: Vanessa
[ Original Post ]
Im 19 and recently had a son, Tyler (he's 6 months old) and I got pregnant by this guy, Shane and it was supposed to be a one time fling thing but guess what lol ...it wasn't. We decided to keep the baby but not to be together and we agreed to keep things casual and that he could see the baby when ever he wanted to and he wanted to be in the hospital room when I gave birth and i let him and everything was fine and just well...it was calm i guess that's the word and we became good friends. OKAY TURNING POINT, yesterday he came over and he was literally shaking and told me that he got another girl pregnant and that he was going to marry her. Now i'm thinking - oh god, hes going to forget about Tyler but he seemed to know what i was thinking and said over his dead body was he going to leave him and that makes me feel a little better but actions speak better than words, ya know.

But I asked him just out of curiosity why he wanted to marry her and not me, not really expecting an answer but he said "Because your beautiful." and i'm like what? "It will be easier for you to find someone to love you." those were his exact words and now what i want to ask you all is what the hell does that mean!! I mean i know what it means but am i supposed to accept that as a legitamate answer?

And I also want to ask if it's okay or appropriate to meet "Erin" ...the girl he got pregnant. He really wanted me to meet her actually almost begged me to meet her but i'm not so sure that's a good idea. Can I have some feedback before i go insane lol please
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Name: bladerunnerx16 | Date: Aug 23rd, 2006 9:29 PM
If you met the other girl ad you became friends, she probably wouldn't mind him seeing the baby. 

Name: sally24 | Date: Aug 24th, 2006 1:37 PM
Its up to you both these babies will be in his life , if you feel it would be easier then go for it you have no real romantic ties or feelings to this man so it would probably be fine. Whatever he said about you finding someone else it doesn't matter , you are better off being freinds and letting him father your son than taking him as a spouse, birth control is a two person issue , but it doesn't sound he has very good common sense lets hope he doesn't get anyone else pregnant. 

Name: Abesgirl | Date: Aug 30th, 2006 6:14 PM
Do you like this guy? If you do then why should you meet the other girl he got pregnant? If yall are just friends then I guess it's ok. Overall, do what you want and not what he wants. But on the other hand, you will probably meet her someday because her baby will be your baby's half brother or sister. 

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