Hello, guest
Name: ellie may bulley
[ Original Post ]
Dear Anonymous,
My name is Ellie Bulley, and I am a year 12 student at Chatham High School. I am currently studying 2 units Community and Family Studies for my Higher School Certificate that requires the completion of an Independent Research Project. I have decided to do my Independent Research Project on ‘The Effects of Wellbeing: is Sole Parenting Demanding?’
I would greatly appreciate your assistance by completing this questionnaire and please send back the completed form to 99 Langley Vale Rad Coopernook 2426.
All responses from this questionnaire will be completely anonymous and all confidential. Thank you so much for completing this questionnaire for me
Please indicate answers by either ticking boxes, circling the numbers or writing your answer on the lines provided, feel free to provide an attached sheet if u feel there is anything more you want to write about The Effects of Wellbeing: is Sole Parenting Demanding?

1. Current position:……………………………â
2. Formal
and informal qualifications:…………………………â
3. Number of hours worked a week:
10-20 weeks
21-30 weeks
31-40 weeks
41-50 weeks
50+ weeks

4. How long have you been a Single Parent for?
1-2 years
3-6 years
7-9 years
10-12 years
12+ years

5. What year did you finish at school?
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12 or higher

6. Have you had any financial support since you have been a single parent and if so what sort of financial support have you had?.............................................

7. Are
you currently employed?....................................

you currently live alone with your child/children or do you live with someone else?............................................

9. Si
you have been a Single Parent have you had any social time?.........................................

10. Ho
old is your child?........................................

there anything else you wish to add to this survey?.........................................
Your Name


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