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Name: nchsmom
[ Original Post ]
Hi to all on this board! I wish I had found a place like this when my daughter we still living, it looks like a great place. My daughter died when she was 2 1/2 years old. The doctors don't know what she had, but she had a lot of needs. She had tight muscles, scoliosis, restrictive cardiomyopothy, pulmonary hypertention and many other things that we never did get a diagnosis for. They never could find the underlying cause for all these things. Her case is being researched all over by many top doctors, but they told us they didn't know if they would ever have any answers. Here is her story if you would like to read more about it: http://www.geocities.com/nchsmom/sarah.html

One of my dreams has always been to be a nurse and now I am working on fullfilling that dream. I am doing an assignment in one of my classes that grew out of caring for our daughter. I am writing a report on taking care of a special needs child. Many days I felt alone (and I had great family support!) and since she died I have needed something to read or others to talk to that knew what we were going through.

I hope you don't mind if I stay around a while and ask some questions for my report, I also will try to help others when I can.
Thank you, Sandra
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