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Name: lindalu
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Theres this bar I go to on occasion, some of the people that go there have drug issues. This one guy has a crack addiction. The other day I was told that he was suppose to make a drug run for some one and instead of bringing the drugs back he stole their money. Well he did come back a couple days later only he didn't have the drugs he had a wheel chair with two broken legs. I found it kinda amusing, so I asked him about the broken legs. He said he didn't want to talk about it. I'm told he payed up for the money he stole!
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Name: marija | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 12:09 AM
i saw a drunk homeless man mumbling and swigging on a bottle in a park one time....the amusing thing?....his MOBILE / CELL PHONE rang!!!! heres this drunk slurring to somebody called joe on his phone......now that had me in fits of laughter...i didnt even have a mobile at the time...LOL 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 12:44 AM
we have a guy in town that dresses up as a Jedi...some call him Jedi Guy, or Jedi Jesus...lol....he's famous!! when people see him they take his picture and some ask to get their picture taken with him....one woman saw him while she was driving and she tried to get a pic of him on her cell phone and almost got into a car accident cause she was so excited!! Ha ha....sometimes you just see him walkin' around, and other times you see him riding this rediculous looking bicycle. it has these handle bars that go straight up so his arms are way over his head and the seat is so low to the ground!! looks hilarious....one guy saw him in town and asked him where his bike was...he said "I still have to go dig it up!" now, to us folk, we'd think that meant he's got it in storage or something...NOPE....he literally had to go DIG it up...he buries it in the ground for the winter....LOL....but he really does look like the guy from Star Wars..he's got the WHOLE get up and everything....the first time i saw him i was like WTF was that???? ha ha...then I saw him again and started talkin' to some people and EVERYONE knows about him!! funny... 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 12:46 AM
and he truly truly believes he's a Jedi!!! for real!!!!! lol..if you tell him otherwise he gets right pissed off!! ha ha 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 12:59 AM
check this out!!!


Name: momo | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 5:15 AM
mine is a bit like Bmes...cept this guy walks around town thinking he is Elvis..his real name is Harvy..but if you call him that he will chase you..he goes around town with a tranvestite named Jaime who had a huge crush on my boyfriend..he would go into his old work and just hang out and flirt with him..

Also there is this guy named Dave..he rides his bike all round town..though he is super rich..even in 120 degree weather..He is about late 50's and I see him at the big night club..He is there every friday and saturday night..he doesn't dance or talk to anyone but just drinks his drink and watches people..I have seen him for the past 11 years and over time he recognizes me..though we do the nod..i will dance..and when i am done..he will smile and nod..its kinda weird..but it is just this unusal thing..he is unusual..but we have an unspoken friendship 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 5:03 PM
I am laughing so hard! I just read this to Charla! This is the best stuff! 

Name: lindalu | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 7:09 PM
Theres also this real ewwwwie homeless guy who wears a skirt all the time, he lives under the rail road bridge in my city. How he makes money is by washing your car windows, he will all of a sudden pop out of no ware with his dirty old green skirt blowing around and start spraying your wind shield. After he makes your window all streaky with god knows what he has in his spray bottle he will hold his hand out for money. I tell ya.... when I see him coming I pay him to NOT wash my window, he only makes them worse. 

Name: rain | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 9:15 PM
OH MY GOSH! I am rolling all over the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I read this to Charla and we laughed until I chocked! I could barely read it, every story was sooooo funny.

IOl please, oh please, write more more more.

Then I called hubby who is out of town, and read it to him. lol lol
Lindalu-Charla said it was homemade ammonia in the bottle. ick 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 9:56 PM
oh we also have this really old man who plays the guitar on the streets here...I ALWAYS see him right outside the doors of my bank....or he's at the farmer's markets....but he's got this white straw cowboy hat he always wears...and he's put all kinds of pins and feathers on it!! he wears a plaid shirt and jeans with suspenders attached and big MASSIVE aviator sunglasses!!! he looks rediculous!! but you'll never forget him that for sure... and he remembers who EVERYONE is....he always asks me how the kids are doing, cause he remembered i was pregnant before....he's the coolest guy...very nice...i don't think he's homeless, i think he just likes to play his guitar on the streets... 

Name: bmes | Date: Aug 9th, 2007 9:59 PM
oh yeah...and you know how homeless people always ask you for money so they can get a hot meal or whatever....and you KNOW it's bullshi*t!!!! well we have a homeless man in town who has this sign that reads "i'm not gonna lie...i need money for drugs and booze" lol....sometimes i'll give him a quarter or a dollar just because he's not trying to bullsh*t me.....at least he's honest about it!! 

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