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Name: E
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I couldn't believe what I saw. You had a heart attack last week?????????
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Name: Deanna | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 12:36 PM
Yes I went to the doctor with my daughter (prenatal) and her blood pressure was high. So we went to the womans clinic so they could watch her. While we were there I started to feel bad. So I called my husband and he came and got me and took me to the hospital. They said I had a blood clot in my right chamber of my heart. They put in a stent. But I'm a gramma now. My granddaughter was born last friday. And I saw her being born. I went straight from one hospital to the other. She weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces and as pretty as can be. 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 12:44 PM
Congratulations on your granddaughter. I bet it was the best thing ever to see, a human to be born. Sorry to hear about your operation (was it an operation or did they insert the stent non-invasively?) Is blood clots something you've been dealing and the heart attack wasn't a surprise? 

Name: Deanna | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:11 PM
I had surgery about 30 minutes after I got to the emergency room. I have a blood disorder where my blood clots on the inside of my body. So I take coumindin to keep my blood thin. For some reason I still had a blood clot to get by. They are not sure why. So now I'm on plavix and coumindin. And heart medicine, diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, and a few more. It was a surprise, I nearly had another one when they said "you are having a heart attack!" I was hooked up to machines everywhere, it about scared me to death. And ICU is the noisiest place to try and rest at. I'm allergic to morphine so they couldn't knock me out. And those nurses sure have fun at night. I told them how loud they were and she said I know it but everyone else is knocked out besides you. I had two stents put in about 5 years ago in my legs. My feet wasn't getting blood flow to them. That was when it was discovered I had a blood disorder. Then three years ago they decided I had diabetes and Berger disease. Here is the difinition of Bergers: Berger's disease is generally believed to be an autoimmune disorder that results in kidney damage and may lead to kidney failure. An autoimmune disorder is a condition in which the person produces antibodies to his or her own tissues. New research findings suggest that autoimmune disorders may be triggered by a transfer of cells between the fetus and the mother during pregnancy. The study involved women with scleroderma, an autoimmune disorder involving the skin. These women have more fetal cells in their blood decades after a pregnancy than women who don't have scleroderma. While further research is needed to substantiate these findings, the study does offer an explanation for the much higher incidence of autoimmune disorders in women than in men.
Yes seeing the baby born was wonderful and I was very happy to be there. Tired but it wasn't something I'd ever want to miss. 

Name: momof3 | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:28 PM
I hope you are feeling better now!!! Congrads on being a Gramdma!! My mom says that seeing the kids born and becoming a grandma was one of the greatest things that have happen to her. 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:30 PM
I have an autoimmune disorder, it was discovered 8 months after I gave birth... I've never heard about the reason being fetal cells exchange, it well may be. 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:31 PM
It makes sense. 

Name: Deanna | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:42 PM
momof3, your mama is right! E I'm not glad you have an autoimmune disorder but I'm glad to meet someone else who has one. I have felt all alone. What does yours do? 

Name: Bethany | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:57 PM
Good morning ladies! Deanna, congratulations on the new little angel but I'm also very sorry to hear your troubles. My dad has and sister both have blood clotting disorders too. I myself have an autoimmune disorder as well, I have crohn's disease and I tell ya I never heard of the cell transfer thing either but I know my condition worsened after I had my daughters. Interesting. Anyway, hope you are all well! 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 1:57 PM
Deanna, there are a few ladies with autoimmune disorders - Jeanie, Bethany, littleangel. (What are the chances of finding so many in one group? That's what I call the increase of these *strange* diseases lately) Mine is Graves disease, the overactive thyroid. One day I woke up and my thyroid was huge, taking up half of my neck. There maybe some other reasons for the thyroid to be overactie- and we hoped it was just post-partum thyroditis. But in the majority of cases the hyperactivity is caused by Graves. So eventually the thyroid was killed off with radiation (I swallowed a pill with radioactive iodine). Now I'm on thyroid replacement hormone - just like any person with under-active thyroid would be. That would be all done and over with, but this disease has another brunch, it attacks the eyes. They pop out, sometimes to the degree when a person cannot close her eyes ans tapes them shut at night. This would be the severest case, teh majority have some degree of protrusion. The fact that the thyroid is gone, doesn't influence the eye problem, it develops on its own course, it's like getting two diseases for the price of one LOL. My eyes are a bit different than used to be, but not scary. This is the reason I don't have my current pictures - still grappling with the change. 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:02 PM
That's why Graves has the psychological effect on a person - it may be not that life-threatening on the inside, but it does affect you emotionally. 

Name: Bethany | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:10 PM
Hi E! Nice to see you ! I know about emotional issues with my disease as well. A bowel disorder can be very embarrassing at times. I had to go back on steroids this week because I could feel a flare up coming on and let me tell u the side effects of these are not pretty. I get moon face and plenty of weight gain. My weight has been up and down so many times in the last year it can't be healthy. I had my youngest daughter last December and I was just starting to lose my baby weight when I got really sick and lost mega weight and then was put on prednisone (steroid) and now I almost look pregnant again! Does Graves affect your sight E? 

Name: mspeachpit | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:16 PM
Hi, E, i just wanted to tell u that my mom also went through Graves disease. 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:19 PM
Bethany, I've heard many negative things about steroids. Before undergoing radiation, I read a lot aobut my disease, and it says that radiation can affect the eyes protrusion, so it would be better to take 2-month steroid course around the radiation time, to suppress the effect on the eyes. Yet my endo was VERY reluctant to give me any, I ended up having only 7 days of steroids. That's all I had ever. The eye disease has to run its own course, not much helps it, it is said to be settled after 2 years of the inflammatory stage. I'm now in the 2nd year.

My eyesight is not affected - well, looking over the shoulder is getting to be harder (when you are backing up in the car) - a side eye movement is affected. Actually, the very fact of protrusion is the response of the body to save the eyesight, to de-compress naturally. People who don't have protrusion, have the stress applied on the optical nerve inside.

I know, what is wrong lately??? Something is wrong with the developed world, because most autoimmune diseases are here. 

Name: mspeachpit | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:22 PM
its probably all the chemicals in this country! 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:22 PM
Peach, I have so many question for you.

When did your mother's Graves started?
Did she give birth to you when she had Graves, and if yes, did she pass the antibodies on you?
How is her eysight?
Is the disease settled now?

Lol, too many... 

Name: Bethany | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:27 PM
E, I'm glad to hear your sight is not affected. I have to agree with you on the state of our developed world. In fact I read a report that stated Canada has the highest ratio of IBD in the world. Very disturbing.
What's the temp like in Nova Scotia today? 

Name: mspeachpit | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:29 PM
dont worry, its not too many. im not sure exactly when she got it. it was when she was younger. i think it was quite a while before she had me. her eyes are fine, she just cant see for anything without her glasses. it was easily resolved. she did the same radiation thing u did. hers may have been caught earlier, though. 

Name: Deanna | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:34 PM
I know about cohn's disease. My best friend has to use a bag. She had cancer as well as cohn's. She worries about there being a smell or her bag becoming un-done.

Bethany, what do they call the blood clotting disorder your dad and sister have? Are they on blood thinners? Do they have problems? I know it is inherited or so they think so far. Some of the tests they want to run they can not because of the coumindin. 

Name: E | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:34 PM
Thanks, peach. I know this disease is not the end of the world LOL.

Bethany - really, I didn't know that. I'm getting lately into growing my own veggies, eggs, thinking of getting a clf - all organic.

It's sunny today, +10 maybe. Had rainy weather last few days. Is your snow gone? What's the temps in Ontario? 

Name: mspeachpit | Date: Nov 10th, 2006 2:36 PM
luckily nothings the end of the world. unless ur already dead. lol 

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